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- Henry Clarence Eddy
EDDY, Henry Clarence, musician, born in Greenfield, Mass.. 23 June 1851 At the age of seven he began his musical education, and at fourteen filled a place as organist, He has legally dropped his first name. When sixteen he went to Hartford, Connecticut, where he studied with Dudley Buck, and at the age <)f seventeen became organist of Bethany Church, Montpelier, Vermont. Here he remained about two years and a half, teaching and devoting all his leisure time to his studies. In 1871 he went to Berlin, where he studied the piano under Loesehhorn and the organ under Haupt. After making a concert tour through Saxony, Austria, and Switzerland, playing in all the principal Churches, he was invited in Berlin to play before the emperor and many of the nobility. Passing through England on his way home, he stopped in London, playing in the Royal Albert hall and in St. Paul's cathedral. On his return from Europe, Mr. Eddy became organist of the 1st Congregational Church in Chicago.
In 1876 Mr. Eddy became general director of the Hershey school of musical art in Chicago. In the spring of 1877 the music hall connected with the school was finished, capable of seating 1,000 persons, and here, upon a fine three manual concert organ, Mr. Eddy began a series of recitals unique in the history of organ music. They numbered 100 when completed in 1879, and embraced all the greatest works for the organ, of both ancient and modern authors. Mr. Eddy played at the Centennial exposition at Philadelphia, and in different parts of the country, giving concerts and exhibiting many new organs. Among his publications are a prelude and fugue in A minor; collections of organ compositions entitled "The Church and Concert Organist" (2 vols., New York, 1882'5), and "The Organ in Church" (1887)