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Martha Agusta Jacobia, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jake Jacobia wasborn near Hudson, Calumbia(sic) county. New York, August 5,1848. She passed away at her home in Havensville, Kansas March7, 1943, at the age of 94 years, 4? months and 2 days. In 1857she came with her parents to Kansas, where they took up a tractof land on Soldier Creek in Nemaha county. Several years laterthey moved to America City. On March 1, 1866 she was united inmarriage to Theodore Ira Eddy. Later that fall they moved toSavannah, Kansas, where they lived until they moved toHavensville in 1900. To this union were born twelve children,two of them a daughter, Josephine Talbott and a son Ira Eddy andfather, Mr. Eddy preceded her in death. Those who survive are:Mrs. Delia Thompson, Ernest Eddy, Flossie Cox, and Hazel Schaneall of Havensville, Kansas, Mrs. Hattie Rolfs, Santa Rosa,California, Flora Davison, Kansas City, Missouri, J. E. Eddy,Medford, Oklahoma, Dora Gilchrist of Paola, Kansas, twenty-eightgrandchildren; twenty-nine great great grandchildren, and otherrelatives and a host of friends to mourn her loss. For manyyears Mrs. Eddy was not able to be out, as she fell and brokeher hip. Mrs. Edna Bilderback of Cummings, Kansas, nursed hervery tenderly for eight years, she will be greatly missed by thefamily. The memory of Mother and Grandmother Eddy, as she wascalled will live on and on. The services were held at theMethodist Church, Rev. Engler officiated, Mrs. R. W. Lewis andMrs. T. L. Nichols sang and were accompanied by Mrs. JohnMarkham. The pallbearers were: Frank Melton, W. T. Flowers, N.P. Marcoux, Roy Marcoux, C. H. Ellis and H. L. Davis. Her bodywas laid to rest beside her husband in the Havensville cemetery.