Notes |
1870 Appanoose County, Iowa Census Post Office - Centerville
Pg 38
6 William Eddy 52 M Farmer WV
7 Catharine 58 F Keeping house WV
8 Samuel 25? M OH
9 Clarinda 26 F OH
10 Vilinda 23 F OH
11 William M 19 M OH
Descendants of John Eddy
Generation No. 1
1. JOHN1 EDDY was born Abt. 1680 in Scotland, and died Abt. 1741 in Adams Co., PA. He married (1)
ELIZABETH EDWARDS March 31, 1706 in Middlesex Co., NJ, daughter of JAMES EDWARDS and ALLISON. She
was born Abt. 1682 in Middlesex Co., NJ, and died Unknown. He married (2) JANET MCCOLLUAGH Aft. 1725.
She was born Abt. 1710, and died Unknown.
Notes for JOHN EDDY:
Will of John Eddy of Woodbridge, NJ
In the name of God Amen this 18th Day of September 1750 I John Eddy being weak of Body but of perfect mind and memory
blessed be God for it do order this my last will and Testament
first of all I my Soul to the hands of God who give it
and my body to the dust to be buried in a Christian like and decent mannor at the will of my Executors and as for my worldly possessions
I Divide it as following, all my Lawfull debts to be paid
first of all as for my Dear and well beloved wife Jenat Eddy alias
McCulluagh I order her to have her Choice of any two cows she
thinks fit to take, and said two cows to be kept from of all Charges
to her, together with maintenance of the plantation during her widowhoo
and the bound servant at her disposal, with the half of the
household furniture, as for my two youngest children Agnus
and Alexander Eddy I order each of them thirty pounds corranory
to be paid when come of age and my youngest son Alexander to be put
to which he thinks file to chigo as for my youngest Daughter
Agnus I order her the other half of my household furniture as for my
firsts wife children Elles Maryan James Joan Gayon Robert (crossed out on will)
John William and, Thomas Eddy I do order Each five Shillings
as for my Son Robert Eddy I order him a three year old horse
and my body cloas and as for my two sons Samuel
and David Eddy I order to them my plantation which I now
together with all the remainder of my worldly possesions
which remains undivided, I order my two sons Samuel and David
to build to thier mother a convinient house at their charges
if she demands it I order Walter Buchanan and my son
Samuel Eddy to be my Executors to do justice to my children
wife and children according to the true intent of this my
last will and testament written on this day and date above mentioned
Witness present
William Eddy his mark John Eddy his mark
Walter Buchanan Janet Eddy her mark
John Eddy of Woodbridge's will shows what he left to his children, his second wife, and children from his first
marriage. The will is probated in York, York County, Pennsylvania. (Later, in 1801 the Marsh Creek area
becomes part of Adam's County, PA).
**Taken from website contributed by Gary E. Eddey, 30 Edgehill Ave., Morristown, NJ 07960**
2. i. GAVIN/GAWEN2 EDDY, b. February 17, 1720/21, February 17, 1721 Woodbridge, NJ; d. Abt. 1781, Bedford
Co., PA.
ii. ALLISON/ELLISON EDDY, b. August 08, 1707; d. Unknown.
3. iii. MARIEM/MERIAM EDDY, b. January 25, 1708/09, Woodbridge, NJ; d. October 19, 1803, Hancock, MD.
iv. JAMES EDDY, b. February 27, 1710/11; d. Unknown; m. MARY GACH, May 29, 1743, NJ; b. February 11,
1723/24; d. Unknown.
Notes for JAMES EDDY:
James Eddey-Eldest Son of John of Woodbridge
James' will located in the NJ will section in Trenton clearly spells his name with the extra e. See footnote 8
for the text and the exact spellings.
James Eddy, son of John, inherited land from his father in Woodbridge and died there. He and his wife are
buried in the old Presbyterian Church burial ground (near the train station) in Metuchen, NJ. He is thought to
have been a farmer in his early years, but then became a town official (like his youngest brother Samuel did in
the Marsh Creek settlement) later on. His wife was from Scotland, as was his mother in law. The Scottish
connections are quite strong. They were members of the Upper Presbyterian church in Woodbridge. William
Simonson Eddy states at one point that they were Quakers!
John William Edie writes in his genealogy (without references however) that James Eddy had frequent contact
with the Edies living in the Marsh Creek settlement in PA. James is listed several times in the book
"Woodbridge and Vicinity; The Story of a New Jersey Township", by Rev Joseph W. Dally. He is a
moderator for the Freeholders' meetings. He is listed as keeping the records when the clerk, T. Gage dies.
The only other item known about James is that he was a private in the Revolutionary War. He is listed on the
DAR burial plaque in the burial ground in Metuchen, NJ as being a private in the Middlesex County Militia.
We do not have much information about his wife, Mary Gach except that she has 11 children and is thought
to be a Quaker by William Simonson Eddy. John of Woodbridge has 12 children, 10 from Elizabeth his first
wife and two from Janet his second wife. Mary's mother's maiden name is Bloodgood. There are many
Bloodgoods buried where she is buried.
**Contributed from website by Gary E. Eddey, 30 Edgehill Ave., Morristown, NJ 07960**
Re: Sarah Eddy, 18th century Middlesex Co NJ
From: Eddy Family Genealogist-Stephanie Eddy
Date: 10 Feb 2002
Time: 15:32:12
Remote Name:
Hi Rick,
Sarah Eddy was the daughter of James Eddy and Mary Gach. She was one of 11 children born in
Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA, and married Thomas Heath Nov 29 1768, in New Jersey. Her grandfather
John Eddy born abt 1680 came from Scotland and died 1741 in Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA. His wife
Elizabeth Edwards was born abt 1682 in Woodbridge, New Jersey.
Sincerely, Steph
Chair of the Genealogical Committee Eddy Family Association
v. JEAN EDDY, b. December 28, 1712; d. Unknown.
vi. ELIZABETH EDDY, b. February 20, 1714/15; d. Unknown.
vii. ROBERT EDDY, b. March 03, 1716/17; d. Unknown.
viii. JOHN EDDY, b. January 29, 1718/19; d. Unknown.
ix. WILLIAM EDDY, b. June 06, 1723; d. Unknown.
x. THOMAS EDDY, b. September 05, 1725; d. Unknown.
xi. AGNUS2 EDDY, b. Abt. 1736; d. Unknown.
xii. ALEXANDER EDDY, b. Abt. 1738; d. Unknown.
xiii. SAMUEL EDDY, b. Abt. 1732; d. Unknown.
xiv. DAVID EDDY, b. Abt. 1734; d. Unknown.
Generation No. 2
2. GAVIN/GAWEN2 EDDY (JOHN1) was born February 17, 1720/21 in February 17, 1721 Woodbridge, NJ, and
died Abt. 1781 in Bedford Co., PA. He married SARAH COTHEAL Abt. 1759, daughter of WILLIAM COTHEAL.
She was born Abt. 1730 in Middlesex Co., NJ, and died Abt. 1785 in Bedford Co., PA.
Gayon or Gavin Eddy, Third Oldest son of John of Woodbridge
The following was taken from the Heady Family Newsletter. It is included in this document because it
provides some information on Gavin, the third oldest son of John of Woodbridge.
"The stream now known as Tonoloway Creek, but called 'Konolawa' by the Indians living along its bank and
'The Conolloways' by the white settlers, follows a meandering course through the southern part of present Foulton
(sic) county, Pennsylvania, crossing the boundary line into Maryland about three miles before it joins the
Potomac at a point just below that river's northernmost bend. The Big and Little Tonoloway Settlements lay
about five miles north of the Potomac along branches of Tonoloway Creek and immediately west of the large and
small basins named, respectively, the Great (Big) Cove and Little Cove. These settlements had been founded by a
few Scotch-Irish Immigrants, at least one Welch family (that of Evan Shelby), and a band of Monmouth and
Middlesex county, New Jersey families, which included those of Moses Graham, William Linn, Joseph Warford,
Adam Stiger, John Melott, Benjamin Truas, Elias, Richard, Jeremiah Stillwell, Thomas Heady, GAVIN EDDY,
Samuel Hedden the Coombs, Belieus, Applegates and, no doubt, others. Whether the Monmouth and Middlesex
county families came as a unit or over a period of several years, is not known, but they were all there by 1765 or
The precise date of the first settlement on the Tonoloways is difficult to establish. Some historians claim that
settlers arrived as early as 1731, but others assert that 1741 was a more realistic date. The STILLWELL
FAMILY HISTORY states that one source places Elias Stillwell, husband of Meriam Eddy and the older brother
of Gavin Eddy, on the Tonoloways as early as 1735. Although that seems a bit early to us, other families can be
proved to have been in the area by that time, so it may be true that he was there that early. The settlers purchased
the land on which they settled from the Indians, and reportedly, had little trouble with them until 1750, in which
year the Indians appealed to the proprietory government of Pennsylvania for the return of their lands, alledging
they had been defrauded by a few trinkets and other items of little value, and drawing attention to the fact that
settlement west of the Kittantinny mountains was a violation of the treaty in effect at that time. At length, the
Pennsylvania authorities responded by sending out magistrates, accompanied by troops, to drive the settlers off
their lands in the Great Cove. Most of the settlers pleaded guilty of settling on unpurchased lands, paid their fines
and returned to their lands as soon as the magistrates left. Since the Little Cove and the Big and Little
Tonoloways were on the borders of Maryland 'the magistrates declined going there, and departed for their homes.'
After Braddock's defeat at Pittsburg in 1755, the Indians began raiding throughout the frontiers. They
revenged themselves on the Great Cove on the first of November 1755, and raided the Tonoloways on the 28th of
January 1756. According to the PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE issue of February 12, 1756, 'they killed and
scalped James Leaton, Catherine Stillwell and one of her children were killed and scalped, and two others carried
off; one about eight, the other three years old. Her husband was at a neighbor's house when his wife was attacked
and from thence got into Coom's fort'. Catherine Stillwell was the wife of Richard Stillwell. There was also a
great loss of cattle, and horses and many houses were burned.
Apparently, about this time there was some attempt by Maryland, as well, to drive the settlers off the
Tonoloways. A petition dated September 29, 1755, was sent to Governor Morris from the settlers setting forth
that 'these few lines to inform you we are very much imposed upon by ye Sherfe of frederick county in meryland
in Comeing to take our Lands from us by a Maryland Right which we have had surveyed by Mr. William Lyon
Surveyor under Mr John Armstrong surveyor for Cumberland County in pensylvania Last Spring....said Sherive
peter butler has got surveyed by bringing a Captain and a parcel of souldars to Gard him while he was do
doing....Threats were made by him that in two or three weeks he would come back and take all the land from the
Forks of Tonolaways Crick down to ye mouth thereof, and all goods, chattels, horses, or anything he could find.'
The scanty Baptist church records are the best records we have of the members of the Tonoloway Settlement.
Adjacent to the property then owned by ELIAS STILLWELL is the old Tonoloway Baptist Church which was
attended by most of the settlers of British extraction and some others. Although the tombstones in its churchyard
are its only extant records, they are often the means of connecting the pioneers buried there with their past.
Unfortunately for us, there are no Heady stones, but many of the Stillwells and Truaxs still stand. Thus in their
desire for freedom, privacy and an autogenous government, the settlers left few records of their early settlement
along the Tonoloways. Once the Mason-Dixon line was established and the settlers were sure to which state they
belonged, it became desirable for them to insure their claims to the land they had occupied for ten to thirty years.
From the beginning 'with the exception of a brief interval from 1761 to 1768, the system of obtaining title to land
in Pennsylvania was by warrant. Under this system the land applied for must be paid in advance, which, even at
the low price of land, many were not able to do. To meet this difficulty and to encourage rapid settlement and
improvement, the proprietaries, in 1761, established a system of taking land on 'application' by which land was
sold on indefinite credit, the purchase money running at low rate of interest, and to be a lien on the land. This
system remained in vogue until 1769' and under it Thomas Heady and most of the other settlers obtained title to
the land they occupied. That accounts for the fact that the warreant and patent were not issued on Thomas
Heady's 117 acres until it fell into the hands of William Bishop and Bishop, in 1836, paid $26.00 to Pennsylvania
for the purchase and interest."
**Found on website contributed by Gary E. Eddey, 30 Edgehill Ave., Morristown, NJ 07960**
4. i. AZEL3 EDDY, b. Abt. 1763, Woodbridge, NJ; d. Abt. 1827.
ii. WILLIAM EDDY, b. Abt. 1760; d. Unknown.
iii. GAVIN/GAWEN EDDY, d. Unknown.
Believe this is Gawen in the 1820 Census?
1820 Virginia Census Monongalia County
Head of Household - Gawen Eddy
10-15 (2)
16-25 (1)
45+ (1) Gawen (Unknown)
10-15 (3)
26-44 (1)
(3) persons engaged in agriculture.
iv. DAVID EDDY, b. Abt. 1766; d. Unknown.
v. JOHN EDDY, d. Unknown.
5. vi. ISAAC EDDY, b. Abt. 1768; d. Unknown.
6. vii. ALEXANDER EDDY, b. February 23, 1769, Trenton, NJ; d. June 01, 1859, McCurtsville, Monongalia Co.,
3. MARIEM/MERIAM2 EDDY (JOHN1) was born January 25, 1708/09 in Woodbridge, NJ, and died October 19,
1803 in Hancock, MD. She married ELIAS STILLWELL. He was born Abt. 1708 in NJ, and died February 04,
1792 in Hancock, MD.
Meriam (Maryan) Eddy: Secondest oldest daughter of John of Woodbridge
Meriam Eddy, second daughter of John Eddy and Elizabeth Edwards of Woodbridge, New Jersey, was born
in Woodbridge, New Jersey January 29, 1708. She married Elias Stillwell, of English extraction, who was born
in NJ in 1708 and died near Hancock, Maryland. Meriam survived her husband and died at the same place,
October 19, 1803, aged 95 years. Both are buried in the Tonoloway Baptist Cemetery, near Hancock, Maryland.
After marriage, Meriam moves with her husband to Maryland. They think that it is in Maryland but are
surprised to find out that when the Mason Dixon Line is marked, they are north of the border. Meriam is not that
far away from her father and her youngest brothers who make up some of the settlers of the Marsh Creek Area. It
is very important to point out that even though they move from NJ, they are actually moving close to some of her
family. A quick look at a Maryland map demonstrates the Marsh Creek settlement being less than 100 miles from
Hancock, Maryland. And the Marsh Creek settlement borders Frederick County. Also in the same settlement is
her younger brother, Gavin! Her husband, Elias Stillwell, was one of the organizers of the Tonoloway Baptist
Church which was built in 1752 (and was baptized there in 1753 by the Rev. Samuel Heaton.)
Both Meriam and her husband's tombstones were standing in the church graveyard as of 1938. The epitaph
on Meriam's headstone reads (read) as follows: 'My loving mate I did survive, and, true, my age was great, I lived
the years of ninety-five, but here, behold my fate.' Her marker is classic for the time period.
**Found on a website contributed by Gary E. Eddey, 30 Edgehill Ave., Morristown, NJ 07960**
She was a Scotch woman who was a great doctress, and who judging by her handwriting was a woman of
education and culture.
Her tombstone says the following: In Memory of Mariam Stillwell Wife of Elias Stillwell Esq. Who departed this
life Oct the 19th Anno 1803 aged 95 years, My loving mate did survive And true my ___ real (unreadable line)
Where behold my fate (This inscription was sent to me by Scott Duncan email: on 19
May 2001) I went to the cemetery myself in July 2002 the marker is very faded but can still be read fairly well.
I found the following inscription in a book entitled: "The History of Captain Nicholas Stillwell son of Lieutenant
Nicholas Stillwell and his Descendants" by John E. Stillwell, M.D., published in 1930, Mariam Stillwell departed
this life Oct. 19, 1803 aged 95 years My loving mate I did survive And true my age was great, I lived the years of
95 But here behold my fate.
Burial: Unknown, Tonoloway Baptist Cemetery, Hancock, MD
Elias, at the age of 70 renounced his King, resigned his commission as Justice of the Peace, picked up his rifle,
saddled up one of his horses and rode off to fight in the Revolution.
PROBATE RECORDS: Elias made his WILL 30 Aug 1785 and proved in Bedford county, Pennsylvania 27 Feb
1792, in which he set forth that he was: "Elias Stillwell, Sen., of Bethel Twp, Bedford County & state of
Pennsylvania, Esquire, being very old and stricken in years, but of good and perfect memory, etc. He willed to his
dear and beloved wife Mariam Stillwell the one-third of his lands during her life (excepting his lands in the big
cove), and one-third part of his personal and moveable estate, "with her choice of a riding beast, saddle and bridle
and bed and furniture," no to be appraised in her third. The land in the great cove was to be sold and the profits
arising there from to be made a part of his personal and moveable estate; to his grandson Elias Stillwell, son of
Obadiah Stillwell, deceased, L5, of Pennsylvania currency; to "my three grandchildren, the children of Obadiah
Stillwell, deceased, namely, Elinor Stillwell, Susanna Stillwell & Obadiah Stillwell," L30, of Pennsylvania
currency, equally between them; to "my son jeremiah Stillwell" L100, of Pennsylvania currency, to be paid by my
son John Stillwell out of my real estate ...... and all my back amounts against him I make null and void; to "my
grandson Elias Pain, son of Samuel Pain" L5, Pennsylvania currency, when he comes of age; "unto my friend the
Rev. Joseph Powell, the present Baptist Minister of this place, for the love I bear to him," L5, Pennsylvania
currency; "It is my will and I order that the sum of money given me credit for, at a settlement in the Baptist
Church book, of this place, to be laid out for the use of the said Baptist Church;" to "my grandson Elias Stillwell,
son of John Stillwell," L5, Pennsylvania currency, when he comes of age. The remainder of his personal estate is
given equally, "unto my five daughters, namely, Elizabeth Graham, widow, Rebecca Coombes, Sarah Truax,
Mary Pain and Rachel Warford;" to "my son John Stillwell all my land where I now live, containing about two
hundred and fifty acres, .... which I hold by a Maryland Survey," etc. Executors: his "beloved John Stillwell and
my loving friend Jacob Wink." Witnesses: Benjamin Truax (his mark), Jacob Hart and Joseph Truax. Signed:
Elias Stillwell
His tombstone says the following: Elias Stillwell departed this life February the 4th Anno 1790 aged 84 years,
Good God or what lender Hang everlasting things Thee al___ of all the dead Upon lifes feeble brings Made by
W. Blair (in cursive writing) (This inscription was sent to me by Scott Duncan email: maizeblue6@onemain.comon 19 May 2001) I went to the cemetery myself in July 2002 the marker is very faded but can still be read fairly
Burial: Unknown, Tonoloway Baptist Cemetery, Hancock, MD
i. OBADIAH3 STILLWELL, d. Unknown; m. PHEBE KETCHAM, June 13, 1761, NJ; d. Unknown.
New Jersey Marriage Records, 1665-1800, Marriage Licenses, S-T, Page 360
Stilwell, Obadiah, Monmouth and Phebe Ketcham, Monmouth...1761 June 13
ii. JEREMIAH STILLWELL, d. Unknown; m. MARY WOODRUFF, October 23, 1750, NJ; d. Unknown.
New Jersey Marriage Records, 1665-1800, Marriage Licenses, S-T, Page 360
Stillwell, Jeremiah, Monmouth and Mary Woodruff, Shrewsbury...1750 Oct. 23
iii. JOHN STILLWELL, d. Unknown.
iv. ELIZABETH STILLWELL, d. Unknown; m. THOMAS GRAHAM; d. Unknown.
v. REBECCA STILLWELL, d. Unknown; m. EDWARD COOMBES; d. Unknown.
vi. SARAH STILLWELL, d. Unknown; m. SAMUEL M TRUAX; d. Unknown.
vii. MARY STILLWELL, d. Unknown; m. SAMUEL PAIN; d. Unknown.
viii. RACHEL STILLWELL, d. Unknown; m. JOSEPH WARFORD; d. Unknown.
Generation No. 3
4. AZEL3 EDDY (GAVIN/GAWEN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1763 in Woodbridge, NJ, and died Abt. 1827. He
married SARAH PYLES, daughter of ZACHARIAH PYLES and RACHAEL WRIGHT. She was born Abt. 1772, and died
Notes for AZEL EDDY:
1820 Virginia Census Monongalia County Western Division
pg. 96
Head of Household Sarah Eddy
0-9 2
26-45 1Sarah Eddy
next line:
Head of Household Asel Eddy (Believe this may be son?)
16-26 1Asel Eddy
0-9 4 Catharine (02)
Sarah (06)
Christena (07)
26-45 1Sarah?
1830 Virginia Census Monongalia County Western Division
pg. 395
Head of Household Sarah Eddy
0-4 1 Lydia (04)
5-9 2 Hannah(06)
Unknown 10-14 2Catharine (12)
15-19 1Sarah(16)or Christena (17)
40-49 1Sarah(?)
1840 Virginia Census Monongalia County Western Division Unknown Twp
pg. 26
Head of Household Sarah Eddy
15-19 3Lydia (14 or 15)
40-49 1Sarah(?)
1850 Virginia Census Marion County 35th Western District
Enumerated July 18, 1850 pg. 160
Eddy Sarah58 W F 400 VA
Sarah 28 W F VA
Hannah 26 W F VA
Lydia 24 W F VA
Elias 06 W M VA
I don't think this is the Azel & Sarah Eddy of this page, I believe maybe there was a 2nd Azel & Sarah (Next
Children of AZEL EDDY and SARAH PYLES are:
7. i. ISAAC4 EDDY, b. November 18, 1800, Monongolia Co., WV; d. August 19, 1877, Monroe Co., OH.
ii. JAMES EDDY, d. Unknown.
iii. JOHN EDDY, d. Unknown.
iv. HENRY EDDY, d. Unknown.
v. CHRISTENA EDDY, b. July 09, 1813; d. Unknown; m. BENJAMIN MCCURDY; d. Unknown.
vi. REBECCA EDDY, b. Abt. 1816; d. September 13, 1892, Marion Co., WV; m. SAMUEL GRUBB, December
02, 1835, Monongalia Co., WV; b. January 08, 1813; d. February 12, 1892, Marion Co., WV.
vii. CATHERINE EDDY, b. Abt. 1818; d. Unknown; m. THOMAS J FLOYD; d. Unknown.
viii. SARAH EDDY, b. June 09, 1814; d. Abt. 1853.
ix. HANNAH EDDY, b. Abt. 1824; d. Unknown.
x. LYDIA EDDY, b. Abt. 1826; d. Unknown.
5. ISAAC3 EDDY (GAVIN/GAWEN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1768, and died Unknown. He married CATHERINE
KIENER. She was born Abt. 1766, and died Unknown.
Notes for ISAAC EDDY:
Believe Catherine Kiener Eddy is living with daughter? Barbary (Barbara) Eddy Eccleberry in 1850 Census--no
confirmation of this data.
i. BARBARA4 EDDY, d. Unknown.
Unknown if this is correct Barbara, but Catharine Kiener Eddy's age fits--believe she is living w/daughter
Barbara Eddy Eccleberry.
1850 Ohio Census Washington County Jolly Twp
Enumerated August 31, 1850 pg. 514A
Ecclebury Abraham 41 MFarmer PA
Barbary 36 F PA (b. abt 1814)
Catharine 20 F PA
George 18 MFarmer OH
Isaac 16 MFarmer OH
Samuel 14 M OH
Elijah 06 M OH
Sidney 02 M OH
Piatt (Platt)? Sarah 13 F OH
Eddy Catharine 84 F Unknown
ii. DAVID EDDY, d. Unknown.
iii. ELIZABETH EDDY, d. Unknown; m. EDDY; d. Unknown.
iv. ISAAC EDDY, d. Unknown; m. ECLEBERRY; d. Unknown.
v. MARY EDDY, d. Unknown; m. KIMBLE; d. Unknown.
vi. SARAH EDDY, d. Unknown; m. COST; d. Unknown.
8. vii. SAMUEL EDDY, b. Abt. 1798, PA; d. Unknown.
viii. GOYNE EDDY, b. 1798; d. Unknown; m. (1) STEELE; d. Unknown; m. (2) MONTGOMERY; d. Unknown.
9. ix. JOHN EDDY, b. November 27, 1803, Greene Co., PA; d. April 02, 1890, Brave, Greene Co., PA.
10. x. CATHARINE EDDY, b. 1804, Green Co., PA; d. July 21, 1890, Antioch, Monroe Co., OH.
6. ALEXANDER3 EDDY (GAVIN/GAWEN2, JOHN1) was born February 23, 1769 in Trenton, NJ, and died June 01,
1859 in McCurtsville, Monongalia Co., WV. He married MARGARET KUHN Abt. 1792 in Bedford Co., PA,
daughter of MICHAEL SR and SOPHIA. She was born November 06, 1767 in Newbury Port, MA, and died Abt.
July 03, 1855 in Tyler, Monongalia Co., WV.
1830 Virginia Census Monongalia County Unknown Twp
pg. 395 Alexander Eddy Head of Household
0-4 (1) Unknown
60-49 (1) Alexander (67)
20-29 (2) Unknown
60-69 (1) Margaret (60)
1840 Virginia Census Monongalia County Unknown Twp
pg. 130 Alexander Eddy Head of Household
0-4 (2) Elias (1)
Elihu (3)
10-14 (1) Jesse (10)
30-39 (1) Alexander (37)
70-79 (1) Unknown ?Alexander Eddy/Father(77)
10-14 (1) Melinda (14)
30-39 (1) Eleanor (32)
70-79 (1) Unknown ?Margaret/Mother (70)
1850 Virginia Census Monongalia County 37th District
Enumerated September 20, 1850 pg. 351B
Eddy Alexander 87 M Farmer VA
Margaret 80 F VA
11. i. DAVID4 EDDY, b. November 09, 1793, PA; d. June 22, 1880.
12. ii. SOPHIA EDDY, b. September 20, 1794, VA; d. Unknown.
13. iii. SARAH EDDY, b. October 18, 1795, Monongalia Co., West Virginia; d. May 01, 1864, Wetzel Co., West
14. iv. MICHAEL EDDY, b. October 06, 1796, VA; d. December 30, 1876, Center Twp, Monroe Co., OH.
15. v. GOWEN EDDY, b. December 09, 1798, Monongalia, WV; d. November 07, 1870, Monongalia, WV.
16. vi. BARBARA ELLEN EDDY, b. April 25, 1801, VA; d. November 29, 1880, Monroe Co., OH.
17. vii. ALEXANDER EDDY, b. November 17, 1802, Monongalia Co., West Virginia; d. October 29, 1882,
Monongalia Co., West Virginia.
viii. MARGARET EDDY, b. January 21, 1804; d. Unknown.
ix. LEWIS EDDY, b. December 17, 1805; d. Unknown.
18. x. DANIEL EDDY, b. May 31, 1807, Monongalia Co., WV; d. February 06, 1885, Marion Co., WV.
19. xi. CHRISTENA JANE EDDY, b. April 24, 1809, Monongalia Co., West Virginia; d. Abt. 1840.
Generation No. 4
7. ISAAC4 EDDY (AZEL3, GAVIN/GAWEN2, JOHN1) was born November 18, 1800 in Monongolia Co., WV, and died
August 19, 1877 in Monroe Co., OH. He married LUCRETIA MCCURDY August 22, 1822 in Marion Co., WV,
daughter of JOHN MCCURDY and MARY MCGILL. She was born July 22, 1802 in Camden, Camden Co., NJ, and
died Abt. 1886 in KS.
Notes for ISAAC EDDY:
1830 Virginia Census Monongalia Unknown Twp
pg. 395
Under 5 (2) Joseph (2)
John (4)
5-9 (1) Alpheus (6)
20-29 (1) Isaac (29)
Under 5 (1) Rachel (Under 1)
5-9 (1) Mahala (7)
20-29 (1) Lucretia (29)
1840 Ohio Census Monroe County Green Twp
pg. 24
Under 5 (1) Nathaniel (2)
5-9 (1) Moses (6)
10-14 (2) Joseph (12)
John (14)
15-19 (1) Alpheus (16)
30-39 (1) Isaac (39)
5-9 (1) Mary (8)
10-14 (1) Rachel (10)
15-19 (1) Mahala (17)
30-39 (1) Lucretia (38)
1850 Ohio Census Monroe County Green Township
Pg 363
69 Isaac Eddy 49 M Farmer VA
Lucretia 48 F NJ
Rachel 20 F VA
Mary 18 F OH
Moses 16 M OH
Nathaniel 12 M OH
Leander 10 M OH
Lucretia 08 F OH
Value of Real Estate Owned $3,000.
1860 Ohio Census Monroe County Green Twp.
Eddy Isaac 57 M Farmer 6000 700 VA
Lucretia 57 F Domestic NY?
Leander 19 M Farm Labor OH
Lucretia J 17 F Domestic OH
Mary A 08? F OH
Leander A04 M OH
Living between Isaac Eddy & his son Alpheus Eddy is the following:
Eddy Elizabeth 28 F Domestic 230 200 OH
Lucretia M 06 F OH
Rachel 01 F OH
1870 Ohio Census Monroe County Green Twp Post Office Laings
Enumerated June 2, 1870 pg 3 (pg 99)
Eddy Isaac 69 M W Farmer 4000 1200 WV
Lucretia 67 F W Keeping House NJ
Leander 13 M W Farm Laborer OH
Edgar George 18 M W Farm Laborer OH
More About ISAAC EDDY:
Burial: Unknown, Ott Cemetery, Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH
Burial: Unknown, Price Cemetery, Tescott, Ottawa Co., KS
20. i. ALPHEUS S5 EDDY, b. November 12, 1824, Monroe Co., OH; d. August 09, 1890, Appanoose Co., IA.
21. ii. MAHALA EDDY, b. May 24, 1823, New Castle, Monroe Co., OH; d. September 09, 1886, Mystic, IA.
iii. JOHN MCCURDY EDDY, b. September 18, 1826, VA; d. April 1850, Monroe Co., OH.
Killed in a steamboat explosion on the Ohio River.
Eddy, John
State: Ohio Year: 1850
County: Monroe Roll:
Township: Unknown Townships Page: 0
Age: 23 Birth State: VA
Month: APR Cause of Death: EXPLOSION
22. iv. JOSEPH H EDDY, b. June 27, 1828, VA; d. September 12, 1859.
23. v. RACHEL EDDY, b. April 29, 1830, VA; d. July 28, 1888.
vi. MARY EDDY, b. June 01, 1832, OH; d. Unknown; m. STEPHEN GADD; d. Unknown.
vii. MOSES D EDDY, b. June 11, 1834, OH; d. July 11, 1858; m. MARY GRANT; d. Unknown.
viii. CHILD EDDY, b. October 18, 1836; d. Unknown.