Notes |
1751 ABRAHAM EADES patented land on Ballengers Creek in 1751. It is likely that Abraham, Joseph and Jacob were brothers and there is a possibly that he had a sister named Hannah who married a John Peter., Albermarle Co., Va.
Ref: Rev. Edgar Woods, Columbia, MO.
Nelson Eddy
1634 Second Avenue
Terre Haute, Indiana
812 235 4458
Abraham EADES
Nelson Eddy
1. ca (John) Abraham Eads / Eades born 1700 Virginia, died before 1828, married unknown
Perhaps incomplete listing of children
Children:a.Joseph married Sarah Leftwich
c.Jacob born abt. 1755 Frederick Co., Va., married between 1771 and 1775 Unknown
d.Mildred married Mr. Shepard
e.Susan Charolette
f.Sarah married Richard Chandler
g.Isaac married Sarah Bible
Abraham Eades patented land on Ballengers Creek, Albemarle County, Virginia in 1751. It is likely that Abraham, Joseph and Jacob were brothers and there is a possibly he had a sister named Hannah who married a John Peter, Albermarle Co., Va.
Ref: Rev. Edgar Woods of Columbia, MO.
From a book found in Denver Co. Library "History of Albermarle Co." Eades a family named Eades were early settlers in Southern part of the County. Abraham Eades patented land on Ballengers Creek in 1751.
Abraham Eades was a Tobacco Inspector in the early part of the century. He died in 1828. Family were Joseph, Mildred (wife of a Shepard), Abraham, Susan Charlotte, and Sarah (wife of Richard Chandler), Shepard Eades, a son of one of the family married Mary, daughter of Benjamin Norvell, and left a son Shepard and three daughters, Mary (wife of a Starke), Charlotte (wife of a Turner), and Sarah (wife of a Venable)
Samuel Gray is descendant of Isaac Eads who married Sarah Bible in Amherset County, Virginia in 1799. He died in Stokes County in 1817. Isaac is a nae missing from the Eades family to make this a complete descendency like the one of the Bible as mentioned in subject heading above. An Abraham Eades was in Goochland County, Virginia early in the century, this is probably before that part of Goochland became Albermarle County. Some of Albremarle County became Amherst County, so it is possible that this family had lived in the same place and listed all three Counties.
2.Joseph (ca John) Eades / Edds / Eddes / Edy / Eddy born abt 1700 died 1805 ca Virginia, s/o Abraham and Sarah "Sally" Eades. Married abt. 1755 Virginia, Sarah Leftwick.
Perhaps more children
b.John married perhaps three times 1) Unknown, 2) Francis Stringer Via, 2) Huldah ________
From the history book, Albemarke County, Virginia, by Rev. Edgar Woods. Shelved at Missouri Historical Society: Joseph Eades
Joseph gave to his sons, Thomas and John, 150 acres on Totier Creek in Albermarle Co., Va. in 1758 and the next year Jacob Eades sold 300 acres to Rev. Ramsey. It is likely Abraham, Jacob and Joseph were brothers with the later two disappear from the records and may have gone elsewhere.
John Edy born in Scotland came to America by way of Virginia under the authority of a Col. Cater of the Northern Neck of Virginia in 1725, who would pay John Edy's way to America and thus John would become his indentured servant until his debt was paid. John Edy was unable to pay his debt and he was placed in the hoscow (jail) and all his Carpentrey tools were auctioned off to cover his debt to Col. Carter. After John Edy was released from his confinement he and several other Scot-Irish men and their families went to the West side of what was know as Round Mountain or (Hill), Virginia because this area looked most like their homeland. This area is now known as Clarke County, Virginia and according to the local history of the county there were about 250 Scotsman who settled there.
Ref: County Clerks Office in Fredericksburg, Virginia. and Nelson Robert Eddy
Compiler of this report.
3.Thomas Eddes, s/o Joseph Eddes.
4.John Edde born 1740 ca Albermarle Co., Va., died abt. 1830 McMinneville, Warren Co., TENN. Or Warren Co., Ohio, Buried in Viola Cemetery, Viola, Warren Co., TN.?, s/o perhaps Joseph Eades . Married perhaps twice, 1) unknown, 2) Abt. 1770/3 Augusta Co. Va. Mrs.
Frances Stringer Via. (widow of David Via) born 1746 or 57 Louisa County, Va., died 1798 Botetrout Co., Va., d/o Edward and Francis Blackstone Stringer.
John Edde had known one child by his first wife who might have been James, and several children by his other two wifves.
1st wife
2nd wife
Children:a.Francis married George Chapmam
b.Margaret married twice 1) John Cooper, 2) William Gillespie
`c.John Jr. married Elizabeth Harrison
c.William married Jean/Jane Gillespie
d.Samuel married Nancy Roberts
e.James married Patience Prewitt
f.Giden Via (Step Son)
g.Daughter unknown (stepdaughter)
h.Daughter name unknown (stepdaughter)
John Edy, John Savage and John Warner owned land next to Harquist Clames of Stafford County, Virginia.
Ref: Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia.
1717 John Edy and Humphery Pope having severally entered cavert for stopping and patents issued out by Henry Wills (Gent) for 1500 acres of land in the Little Fork of the Rappohannock River. The said Pope this date appeararing that the 300 hundred acres of land which he claims were in the year of 1717, granted by deed to porpietor of the Northern Neck Agency. Pope would insist that his title under the deed and try the same by law. There upon it is ordered that the said cavert be dismissed and that the other deeds be entered by the above name JOHN EDY be continued to be heard at the board the next court of O year and Termf History, Vol. 36, page 136.
1773 John Eddy in Rockingham County, Virginia had a wife named Frances (possibly Stringer) Via. Born 1746 Louisa County, Virginia. She had been the widow of David Via, but now that she is the wife of John Edde he asks in 1773 for a, counter security. (note spelling of Surname)
Ref: The Eddy Family in America 1930 publication, page 1223.
John Eddie, John Craig, William McGill, William Campbell and others were residents of Round Hill, Va. located above Bridgewater, Va., all were believed to have been Scot-Irish settlers.
Ref: History of Rockingham Co. Va., page 239
In about 1739 Joseph John Eddy was born in, either Frederick Co., or Albermarle Co., Va. married 1762 Frederick Co., Va., Huldah ______.
Ref: Marriage Records of Frederick Co., Va.
Ref: The Eddy Family in America, 1930 publication, pages1223 and 1224
Ref: The Eddy Family in America 1968 Supplement, page 402
Ref: The McFarland Family by Mrs. Helen Polifka in 1977
In Faquire County, Virginia, during the propietorship, by H.C. Groom we find a John Eddy was granted 497 acres on the branches of the Deep Run ajoining the land of Charles Carter. This is the second step in settlement of Facquier County within the Northern Neck Company, by Col. Cater in the year of 1723.
Ref: Facquire County, Virginia Oct. 19, 1726 Deed Book , page 2.
1724 John Edy of Northumberland County, Virginia on 211 acrea of land in Stafford County on Winters Lower Branch and Bull Run. Dated 21 Aug. 1725 Deed Book ! page 162.
Ref: Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants 1794-1742 Vol. 1 by Gertrude E. Gray
1725 John Edy of Northumberland County, Virginia on 279 acres of land lying in King George County on164
Ref: Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants 1794-1742 Vol. 1 by Gertrude E. Gray.
1725 John Edy had a survey made by John Savage for 279 acres of land on the branches of Marsh Run of the Rappahonnock River ajoing the property of a John Camp / Crump.
Ref. Frederick County, Virginia Deed Book 1 page 396, dated June 17, 1725.
1726 John Edy of Northumberland County Virginia on 710 acres of land in King Geroge County on Deep Run. Deed Book D page 78 dated 4 March 1726. (Deed Cancelled)
Ref: Frederick County, Virginia Deed Book D page 78.
1726 John Edy on Nov. 27, 1726 had a brother named Henry and a daughter named Diana (Non Cupative will proven)
Ref: North Carolina Wills
1726 John Edy of Northumberland County, Virginia on 432 acres of land lying in King George County on Middle Run ? River. (Deed Cancled 8 August 1726.
Ref: Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants 1694-1742 by Gertrude E. Gray.
1727 John Edy of Stafford County, Virginia on the Chappawamsick? River from John Wainrite. Deed Book C page 4 and Deed Book A page 210 dated 8 August 1726.
Ref: Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants 1694-1742 by Gertrude E. Gray.
1728 John Edy of Northumberland County, Virginia on 497 acres of land lying in King George Cage 24 dated 19 October 1728.
Ref: Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants 1694-1742 by Gertrude E. Gray.
1723 John Eddy / Edde / Eades brought land in Washington Co., Pennsylvania (now Greene County)
In 1773 John Edde is listed in the Augusta County, Court Records, Order Book XV, dated August 23, 1773, it mentions that he is married to Francs, widow of David Via.
John Edde served in the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia 1781 - 1782. Edy, a survey was made by John Savage and John Edy
Listed in 1784 census (list by Michael Rorok) for Rockingham County, Virginia, 7 white souls and 2 other buildings.
1788, John Edde appointed road surveyor from his own house to Scotch Town, vice Leonard Bell. (Augusta County Courts Records, 1745-1800 and Chronicles of Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, Volume 1, Order Book XX by Lyman Chalkey).
1791 John Edde and Frances his wife sold 50 acres to her son, Gidion Via for 22 pounds in Virginia money. (see deed, Bath County, Virginia).
1794 John Edde was granted an Ordinary License in Bath County, Virginia.
1795 John Edde bought land on both sides of Cowpasture River totaling 115 acres in Botetrout County, Virginia.
by 1797 John Edde and his wife sold land in Bath County, Virginia and they were living in Cowpasture, Botetrout County, Virginia.
On August 1, 1799 John Edde sold 93 acres of this land and only he signs the deed. (So, it is believed that Frances had died by this time.
From these records, it is event that John Edde first lived in Augusta County, Virginia, then moved to Rockingham County, Virginia.
1800 John Edde is listed on the 1800 Tax List for Botetrout County, Virginia
Soon after John Edde married Mrs. Frances (Stringer) Via, widow of David Via, they purchased 100 acres of land in Rockingham Co., a. There are court records of John paying taxes there and serving on several Grand Juries. In 1786 he sole 100 acres of land and purchased 125 acres in the same area. in 1789 John old the 125 acres. Two doors from him is living Gideon Via as head of household of four white souls. In 1790 John and Frances purchased 262 acres of land in Bath Co., Va. and he was appointed Constable for the first district.
In 1791 they sell 50 of those acres to Gideon Via for 22 pounds. In 1784 John Edde was granted an ordinary license in Bath County, Va.. In 1795 John bought on both sides of Cowpasture River totaling 115 acres in botetrout Co., Va. By 1797 they sold the land in Bath County and were living in Cowpasture, Botetrout Co., Va.
Ref: The Eddy Family in America
John Edde appointed Surveyor from his house to the town of Scotchtown in first 1773 and then again in 1788.
Ref: The Seed Bed of the Republic, page 254.
On August 1, 1799 John sold 93 acres of this land and he only signs the deed. So is it believed that Frances had died by this time.
From the records, it is evident that John Edde first lived in Augusta County, Va., then moved to Rockingham County Va. It is presumed that he died in Va. He is not listed in the 1810 census of Rockingham Co., He could have moved there after 1784 is unknown. His son James is listed in 1820 census Bedford Co., Tenn.
(One story has that he moved to Tenneesee with his sons but there is no record of this happening. There was a John Edde listed on the 1812 tax lists of Warren Co., Tenn. But it believed that this other John Edde was the son of John Edde
5.Frances Edde / Eddy born about about 1771 Bath Co., Va., or Augusta Co., Va., d/o John and Francis Stringer Edde/Eddy. Married 13 or 19 September 1791 Bath County, Va., George Chapman Sr. born abt. 1770 Bath Co., Va., died 1804 Bath County, Va.
Children:a.Joseph married Reity Lovens
b.George Jr.
6.Joseph Chapman born 18 December 1794 South Carolina, s/o George and Francis Edde / Eddy Peach. Married 25 April 1815 Hawkins County TN. Reity Lovens.
Children unknown
7.George Chapman Jr. born abt. 1793, s/o George Sr. and Francis Edde / Eddy.
8.Edmund Chapman born abt. 1799, s/o George Sr. and Francis Edde / Eddy.
9.Benjamin Chapman born 1802 Bath County Va., died 26 Mar. 1880 Russell Co., Va. s/o George and Frances Edde / Eddy. Married abt. 1824 Russell Co., Va., Mary Polly Ervin born 16 Mar. 1805 Russell Co., Va., died 24 Nov. 1873 Randolph Co., N.C., d/o Mourning Ervin.
Children:a.William H. married twice, 1) Manerva? Chapman,
2) Caroline Whetsel
b.Benjamin F. married Martha Jane Martin
c.Martha M.
e.Mary E.
g.Henry C.
h.Eliza A. married Richardson Edmond Dye
j.Charles C. married Nancy A. Sisk
k.Beverly J.
9a.William H. Chapman born abt. 1825 Russell Co., Va., s/o Benjamin and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman. Married twice, 1) 11 Sept. 1851 Russell Co., Va., Manerva? Chapman born 12 Apr. 1824 Russell Co, Va., died 25 May 1855 Russell Co., Va., 2) 5 Nov. 1885 Russdell Co., Va., Caroline Whetsel born abt. 1845 Russell Co., Va.
1st wife
c.William H. Jr.
e.Manerva J.
9a.Bartholomew Chapman born abt. 1852, s/o William H. Sr. and Manerva? ( Chapman) Chapman.
9b.Joseph Chapman born 26 Jan. 1853, s/o William H. Sr. and Manerva? (Chapman) Chapman.
9c.William H. Chapman Jr. born abt. 1855 Russell Co., Va., s/o William H. Sr. and Manerva? (Chapman) Chapman.
9d.Theopetus Chapman born abt. 1857, d/o William H. Sr. and Manerva? (Chapman) Chapman.
9e.Manerva Chapman born 1859, died 14 Feb. 1885 Randolph N.C. or Russell Co., Va., d/o William H. Sr. and Manerva? (Chapman) Chapman.
9b.Benjamin F. Chapman Jr. born abt. 1830 Russell Co., Va., died 14 Feb. 1885 ca Randolph, Russell Co., Va., s/o Benjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman, Married 1855 Russell Co., Va., Martha Jane Martin born 1832 Va., died after 1902 Washington Co., Va.
Children:a.John P.
b.Nancy M.
c.Lewis C.
d.Leah L.
e.Virginia C.
g.James H.
j.Mary Ellen
9ea.John P. Chapman, s/o Benjamin F. Jr. and Martha Jane (Martin) Chapman.
9eb.Nancy M. Chapman, d/o Benjamin F. Jr. and Martha Jane (Martin) Chapman
9ec.Lewis C. Chapman, s/o Benjamin F. Jr. and Martha Jane (Martin) Chapman.
9ed.Leah L. Chapman, d/o Benjamin F. Jr. and Martha Jane (Martin) Chapman.
9ee.Virginia C. Chapman born 24 Sept. 1855, d/o Banjamin F. Jr. and (Martin) Chapman.
9ef.Catherine Chapman born 1856 Va., d/o Benjamin F. Jr., and Martha Jane (Martin) Chapman.
9eg.James H, Chapman born 17 Mar. 1857 Va., s/o Benjamin F. Jr. and Martha Jane (Martin) Chapman.
9eh.Joseph Chapman born 14 Dec. 1858, s/o Benjamin F. Jr. and Martha Jane (Martin) Chapman.
9ei.Wilson Chapman born 1859 Va., s/o Benjamin F. Jr. and Martha Jane (Martin) Chapman.
9ej.Mary Ellen Chapman born 18 Sept. 1863 Russell Co., Va., d/o Benjamin F. Jr. and Martha Jane (Martin) Chapman.
9c.Martha M. Chapman born abt. 1832 Russell Co., Va., d/o Benjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman.
9d.Rebecca Chaptman born abt. 1834 Russell Co., Va., d/o Benjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman.
9e.Mary F. Chapman born abt. 1836 Russell Co., Va., d/o Vewnjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman.
9f.Josiah Chapman born abt. 1838 Russell Co., Va., s/o Benjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman.
9g.Henry C. Chapman born abt. 1840 Russell Co., Va., s/o Benjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman.
9h.Eliza A. Chapman born abt. 1842 Russell Co., Va., d/o Benjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman. Married abt. 1858 Russell Co., Va., Richardson Edmond Dye born abt. 1838 Russell Co., Va.
g.Charles Cummings
9ha.Annie Dye, d/o Richardson Edmond and Eliza A. (Chapman) Dye.
9hb.Laura Dye, d/o Richardson Edmond and Eliza A. (Chapman) Dye.
9hc.Lizzie Dye, d/o Richardson Edmond and Eliza A. (Chapman) Dye.
9hf.Dorcas Dye, d/o Richardson Edmond and Eliza A. (Chapman) Dye.
9hg.Sallie Dye, d/o Richardson Edmond and Eliza A. (Chapman) Dye.
9hh.Lathia Dye, d/o Richardson Edmond and Eliza A. (Chapman) Dye.
9hi.Charles Cunnings Dye born 14 Dec. 1858 Russell Co., Va., s/o Richardson Edmond and Eliza A. (Chapman) Dye.
9hj.Lea Dye born 1863 Russell Co., Va., d/o Richardson Edmond and Eliza A. (Chapman) Dye.
9i.Margaret Chapman born abt. 1844 Russell Co., Va., d/o Benjamin Sr., and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman.
9j.Charles C. Chapman born abt. 1846 Russell Co., Va., s/o Benjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chpman. Married 2 Dec. 1881 Russell Co., Va., Nancy A. sisk born abt. 1865 Washington Co., Va., d/o James and Nancy Sisk.
Children:a.Charles O.
9ja.Charles O. Chapman, s/o Charles C. and Nancy A. (Sisk) Chapman.
9k.Beverly J. Chapman born abt. 1850 Russell Co., Va., d/o Benjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman.
9l.Catherine Chapman born abt. 1854 Russell Co., Va., d/o Benjamin Sr. and Mary Polly (Ervin) Chapman.
10.Abraham Eades, died 1823?, s/o Abraham Eades. Married Sarah "Sally ______.
f.Sarah "Sally" married Richard Carter Chandler
10a.Joseph Eades, s/o Arbaham and Sarah "Sally" _____ Eades. Married Unknown
Children:a.Shepherd married Mary Norvell
b.Mildred married Mr. Sheperd?
f.Sarah married Richard Chandler
10b.Shepherd Eades, died in 1848, s/o Joseph Eades. Married Mary Norvell.
b.Mary Ann married Mr. Starke
d.Sarah married Richard Chandler
10b.Mildred Eades, d/o Joseph and ______ Eades.
10c.Abraham Eades, s/o Joseph and ______ Eades.
10d.Susan Eades, d/o Joseph and ______ Eades.
10e.Charlotte Eades, d/o Joseph and ______ Eades.
10f.Mary Ann Eades d/o Shepherd and Mary Norvell Eades. Married Mr. Starke
10aSarah "Sally" Eades, d/o Abraham and Sally Eades married 9 Nov. 1798 Fluvanna Co., Va., Abraham E. Chandler born 1551, died in Lincoln co., Mo.
s/o Richard Carter Chandler and Eliza Carter.
11.Jacob Eades, s/o Abraham's Eades.
Jacob Eades sold three hundred acres of land on Totier Creek in 1759 to Rev. John Ramsey, Rector of St. Ann's, in Ablemarle Co., Va.
Ref. Rev. Edgar Woods of Columbia, MO.
12.Benjamin Eades? Born about 1760, s/o Abraham Eades. Married 10 March 1887 Fauquier Co., Va., Margaret Gibson Gillison.
Children Unknown
13.Margaret Edde born abt. 1771/5 Augusta Co., Va., d/o John and Frances Stringer Edde. Married applications twice, 1) application dated 27 May 1792 Bathe county, Va., John cooper, 2) 17 Feb. 1792 Bath Co., Va., William Gillespie.
Children: Unknown
John Cooper never appeared for the marriage.
14.John Edde Jr. born abt. 1775 Augusta Co., Va., died abt 1840 Warren Co., Tenn., buried in Viola Cemetery Warren County TN., s/o John Sr. and Frances Stringer Edde. Married 14 May 1793 Bath Co., Va., Elizabeth Harrison born 1775 Augusta County Va. buried in Viola Cemetery, d/o Thomas and Hannah Dennis Harrison.
Children: a.William married Mary Luvena Dennis
c.John III
All four children (By Hannah Jones Wife #1) were mentioned in Thomas Harrison's will 4-10-1815 and were given $50.00 each, Thomas Harrison was a Revolutionary Soldier serving in Captain William Strother Jones (his wife's first cousin ) 1 reason Thomas Harrison's Hannah (Jones) dies ca 1777 and he takes leave to come home & try to come to some solution for these above babies. I also reason, because of the marriage of Elizabeth Harrison to my GGG grandfather John Edde Jr. 5-14-1793 Bath Co. Va., Elizabeth was taken in by "Uncle Gabriel Jones" in Rockingham Co., Va., John Edde Sr. and family lived near Gabriel at the time. While Thomas Harrison on leave proving a home for his children, he strikes up a new Romance with a close neighbor's daughter one Hannah Dennis and later (4-7-1779) they marry and have a family.
Ref: George Douglas and B. Ruth Day family tree.
Thomas Harrison was a Revolutionary War Soldier. Wife # 1: Hannah Jones, Wife #2 Hannah Dennis. Thomas Harrison Sr. Will, Will Book #1 page 84 . In the name of God Amen I Thomas Harrison Sr. of the County of Tazewell and State of Virginia being sick and weak, though of sound mind and disposing memory and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that is appointed once to all men to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in the following that is to say; First I recommend my Sole to God who gave it Worldly Estate that it hast pleased God help me with I dispose of in the following manner that is to say I give unto my beloved wife Hannah all my Estate both real and personal during her natural life and at her decease of my Executors hereinafter named and divided in the following manner: I leave my first wife's children Viz; John Harrison, Elizabeth Harrison now Elazith Eda, Mary Ervin, and Hannah Asbur, Heirs, $50.00 each. That is fifty dollars to be divided equally amongst Asbur's heirs being their mother's heirs part; all the balance of my Estate I allow to be equally divided between my last wife's children, and that is Joseph Harrison, Thomas Harrison, James Harrison, Samuel Harrison, Elenor Thompson, Edley (Audley) Harrison, Nancy Harrison.
14a.William Edde born 1796 Bath Co., Va., died 1867 Stone Co., MO., s/o John Jr. and Elizabeth (Harrison) Edde.
William Edde was born in Virginia and partly grew up there. Then went to Tennesse where he met his Polly Mary Dennis and married her in Warren County, Tenn. They lived there until ten children were born and the baby Nathan was two years old. The family then moved to Hickory Co., Missouri onto a farm one mile east of Black Oak Point (now Preston, Mo.) Of the eleven children there were five boys and two girls who lived to manhood and womanhood. One of the boys and two girls died in the 50's.
Ref: Arch E. Edde Jr. Marshall, Mo.
14b.Archibald Edde, s/o John Jr. and Elizabeth (Harrison) Edde.
14c.John Edde III, s/o John Jr. and Elizabeth (Harrison) Edde.
14d.James Edde, s/o John and Elizabeth (Harrison) Edde.
14e.Joseph Edde, s/o John Jr. and Elizabeth (Harrison) Edde.
15. William Edde / Eddy born 1796 Bethel, Clarke Co. Va. died 1867 Stone Co., Mo., buried in Fisher Cemetery. s/o William and ca Jean / Jane (Gilespie) Edde. Married twice, 1) 1817 Warren Co., Tenn., Mary Luvena Polly Dennis born 21 October 1798 Barren Co., Ky., died 18 November 1849 Hickory Co., Mo., d/o Joseph and Nancy (Bybee) Dennis, 2) abt. 1850 Hickory Co., Mo., Nancy ______ born abt. 1806 Tenn.
1st wife
Children: a.John married Harriett Allsup
b.Ann married Jacob Stevenson Reser
c.Joseph married Julie Romans
d.Elijah married Winnie Adeline Dennis
e.Jasper married Elizabeth J. Vinyard
f.Nathan married Martha Woolery
g.Elizabeth married twice, 1) Riley Riddle, 2) J. William Dollarhid
2nd wife
h.daughter died in 1850's
i.daughter died in 1850's
16.John Edde born 12 Mar. 1831 Warren Co., Tenn., died 30 Apr. 1913 Hickory Co., Mo., buried in Fisher Cemetery, Preston, Hickory Co., Mo. s/o William and Mary Luvena Dennis Edde. Married 27 July 1853, Harriet Allsup born 19 July 1833/4 Lincoln Co., Tenn., died 23 Mar. 1914 Hickory Co., Mo. Buried in fisher Cemetery at Preston, Mo., d/o Joseph and Harriett Scott Allsup.
b.Sarah Abigail married Hugh L. Simmons
c.Eliza Ruth married Alexander
e.Joseph Thomas
f.Charles E. married Emma Browder
g.Albert Pitts
h.William H.
i.Mary Ann
j.Clara Alice
k.James M.
Obituary: of John Edde
John Edde was born March 12, 1831 in Warren Co., Tennessee and came with his parents to what is now Hickory Co., Mo. In 1842. He was united in marriage to Harriet Alsup July 27, 1853. To this union were born ten children, 6 of whom are still living, Sarah A. Simmons, Eliza Alexander, Nathan Edde, Joe T. Edde, Charles E. Edde and Albert P. Edde who live near Nemo and Preston. Bro. Edde professed faith in Christ as his Savior during a meeting held by Rev. Holman at or near the place where the widow of the late Joseph Riffle now lives, some 50 years ago. While he never united with a church he lived upright and constant Christian life and offen told his family and friends during his long afflictions and suffering that he was ready to go to meed his Savior. To live was Christ and to die was gain. He died April 30, 1913 and after the services by Rev. H. L. Parrack he was laid to restin the Fisher Cemetery.
17 Sarah Abigail Edde born 11 Nov. 1856 Hickory Co., Mo., buried in Fisher Cemetery, Hickory Co., Mo., d/o John and Harriett Allsup Edde. Married 11 Oct. 1877 Hickory Co., Mo., Hugh L. Simmons born 30 Mar. 1855, died 26 Jan. 1930 Hickory Co., Mo., buried in Fisher Cemetery.
Children:a.Harriett Elizabeth
b.William Elmer
c.John David
d.Olive Ruth
e.Luther James
17a.Harriett Elizabeth Simmons, d/o Hugh L. and Sarah Abigail (Edde) Simmons.
17b.William Elmer Simmons, s/o Hugh L. and Sarah Abigail (Edde) Simmons.
17c.John David Simmons, s/o Hugh L. and Sarah Abigail (Edde) Simmons.
17d.Olive Ruth Simmons, d/o Hugh L. and Sarah Abigail (Edde) Simmons.
17e.Luther James Simmons, s/o Hugh L. and Sarah Abigail (Edde) Simmons.
17f.Walter Simmons, s/o Hugh L. and Sarah Abigail (Edde) Simmons.
17g.Effie Simmons, d/o Hugh L. and Sarah Abigail (Edde) Simmons.
18.Eliza Ruth Edde born 23 May 1858 Hickory Co., Mo., d/o John and Harriett Allsup Edde. Married 11 Nov. 1875 Hickory Co., Mo., George Washington Alexander born 16 Apr. 1856, died20 Oct. 1951, Hickory Co., Mo.,buried in Nemo Cemetery.
18a.Minnie Alexander, d/o George Washington and Eliza Ruth (Edde) Alexander.
18b.John Alexander, s/o George Washington and Eliza Ruth (Edde) Alexander.
18c.Cordellia Alexander, d/o George Washington and eliza Ruth (Edde) Alexander.
18d.Maude Alexander, d/o George Washington and Eliza Ruth (Edde) Alexander.
18e.Roy Alexander, s/o George Washington and Eliza Ruth (Edde) Alexander.
18f.Nina Alexander, d/o George Washington and Eliza Ruth (Edde) Alexander.
19.Nathan Edde born 13 June 1862 Hickory Co., Mo., died 19 Apr. 1943 Hickory Co., Mo., buried in Nemo Cemetery, s/o John and Harriett (Allsup) Edde. Married 6 Mar. 1881 Hickory Co., Mo., Pheobe Edmondson born 27 Apr. 1865, died 13 Oct. 1918 Santa Paula, Ventura Co., Calif., d/o William Thomas and Frances Levina F. (Davis) Edmondson
e.John T.
f.Florence Loona
j.Living Unknown
k.Living Unknown
19a.Hattie Edde born 27 Apr. 1883, d/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19b.Mamie Edde born 28 June 1885, d/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19c.Alpha Edde born 10 Mar. 1887, c/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19d.Bertha Edde, d/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19e.John Thomas Edde born 10 Oct. 1891, s/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19f.Florence Loona Edde, d/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19g.Harry Edde, s/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19h.Charles Edde born 7 July 1897, s/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19i.Ralph Edde born 26 Feb. 1899, s/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19j.Living Edde, c/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
19k.Living Edde, c/o Nathan and Pheobe (Edmondson) Edde.
20.Joseph Thomas Edde abt. 1865 Mo., s/o John and Harriett Allsup Edde.
21.Charles E. Edde born 28 Mar. 1868 Hickory Co., Mo., died 13 May 1950 ID., s/o John and Harriett Allsup Edde. Married 4 Oct. 1891 Hickory Co., Mo., Emma Browder born 1870 Preston, Hickory Co., Mo.
Children:a.John Henry married Jetta Frances Raines
b.Goldy P.
e.Eula Faye
22.John Henry Edde born 9 July 1892 Preston, Hickory Co., Mo., s/o Charles E. and Emma Browder Edde. Married 5 Sept. 1915 Preston, Hickory Co., Mo., Jetta Frances Raines. Born 15 June 1892, d/o John and Elizabeth Jackson Raines.
Children:a.Wendell Raines married Hazel Elizabeth Humbyrd
c.Marlene Rosana married Michael Pang
22aWendell Raines Edde, s/o John Henry and Jetta Frances (Raines) Edde. Married Hazel Elizabeth Humbyrd.
22bJohn Edde, s/o John Henry and Jetta Frances (Raines) Edde.
22cMarlene Rosana Edde, d/o John Henry and Jetta Frances (Raines) Edde. Married Michael Pang.
22a.Goldy P. Edde born 1893, d/o Charles E. and Emma (Browder) Edde.
22b.Thomas Edde, s/o Charles E.