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- Russell Genealogy page 128-133
2. JOHN RUSSELL BARTLETT, (son of Smith and Nancy [Russell6] Bartlett; of John Russell5; of Thomas4; of Joseph3; who was second in descent from John Russell, Sen'r,) was born in Providence, RI, October 23, 1805. He married, first, Eliza Allen Rhodes, daughter of General Christopher Rhodes,(*) of Pawtuxet,
(*)General Christopher Rhodes was a direct descendant of Zachary or Zachariah Rhodes,
one of the early settlers of the Colony of RI. His name first appears as a resident
of Seekonk, among the proprietors of the contemplated town of Rehoboth, MA,
in 1643, and, in the following year, he was among those who formed a compact for a
town government. In 1645 they submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of the Plymouth
Court, to which they were assigned by the Commissioners of the United Colonies, and were
incorporated by the Scriptural name of "Rehoboth." In 1646, his name stands No. 37 in
RI, May 15, 1831, who died at that place November 11, 1853, having had seven children.
Married, second, by the Rev. Dr. H. W. Bellows, in the city of New York, Ellen, daughter of Nelson S. Eddy, of Providence, November 12, 1863.
John Russell Bartlett was brought up in a mercantile business, and in 1831 was chosen Cashier of the Globe Bank, in Providence, upon its organization, which office he held until 1837, when, his health being impaired by close confinement to his duties, he resigned his office for a more active employment.
While quite a young man he became interested in the cultivation of literature and science. He joined the Franklin Society, in Providence, before which he occasionally read papers. He was one of the officers of the RI Historical Society, and was the original projector of the Providence Athenaeum. Calling in the aid of the Rev. Dr. Frederick A. Farley and Dr. Thomas H. Webb, they became the founders of this excellent institution, which now possesses nearly fifty thousand volumes and has upwards of six hundred members.
In 1837 he removed to the city of New York, where he again engaged in mercantile business, in which he continued until 1849. Fond of literary pursuits, he took an active part in various literary societies of that city. He was, for many years, the Corresponding Secretary of the New York Historical Society; also Secretary of the American Ethnological Society, of which
the list of those who drew lots for the "new meadow." From that year the name of Zachariah
Rhodes disappears from the Rehoboth Records. About that time a difficulty arose
about compulsory payment for preaching, when he, with several others, left the town,
taking up his residence in Warwick, in the Colony of RI, where many of his descendants
have ever since resided. He married Joanna, daughter of William Arnold, and
had seven children. Christopher Rhodes was of the fifth generation from Zachariah.
he and the Hon. Albert Gallatin, were among the founders, the latter being its President until his death. Before these societies he frequently read papers on Historical and Ethnological subjects.
Mr. Bartlett is a member of the following other learned societies: The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, Denmark, the American Antiquarian Society; American Geographical Society; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; the American Oriental Society; National Institute for the Promotion of Science, Washington; and one of the Vice Presidents of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society. He is a member of the RI Historical Society; the Newport Historical Society; and an Honorary or Corresponding Member of the Historical Societies of Maine, MA, Connecticut, New York, Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Western Reserve, OH, Maryland, Georgia, New Mexico and Arizona.
In June, 1850, he was appointed by President Taylor United States Commissioner, to run the boundary line between the United States and Mexico, under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, in which duty he was employed nearly three years, or until February, 1853. While on this service he made extensive explorations in Texas, New Mexico, Chihuahua, Sonora, California, and the country now known as Arizona, the particulars of which were published in two volumes under the title of "Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, etc., connected with the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission."
In 1855 he was elected Secretary of State of the
State of RI, to which office he was annually re-elected until the year 1872, thus holding the office for seventeen years.
In 1867 he visited Europe, on which occasion he was made a delegate by the American Antiquarian Society, to attend the International Congress of Archaeology, at Antwerp; and from the American Ethnological Society to the International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology at Paris. On his return he presented a report of their doings, which was printed.
In 1872 he again visited Europe, and was one of the United States Commissioners to the International Prison Congress, at London, and attended their meetings.
Mr. Bartlett has devoted much of his time to literary pursuits, particularly in the field of Archaeology, Philology and Bibliography. He is the author or compiler of the following works:
1. Progress of Ethnology. An account of recent researches in various parts of the world, tending to elucidate the Natural History of Man. New York, 1847, 8vo.
2. Dictionary of Americanisms; or Glossary of Words and Phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. New York, 1847. Second edition, Boston, 1859. Third edition, 1861. Fourth edition, greatly enlarged, Boston, 1877. (A Dutch translation of this Dictionary was printed at Gorinchen, Holland, in 1854; and a German one at Leipzig, in 1866.)
3. Reminiscences of the Hon. Albert Gallatin. New York, 1849.
4. Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, etc., connected with the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, 1850-53. New York, 1853; 2 vols., 8vo.
5. Official Dispatches and Correspondence, connected with the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission. Senate Doc., No. 119, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, 1853. 8vo., 515 pp.
6. Letter to the Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, Secretary of the Interior, in defence of the Mexican Boundary, with other official Documents. Senate Doc., No. 6, Extra Session, 1854.
7. Letter to Levi S. Chatfield, President of the Atlantic and Pacific Railway Company, on the Practicability of a Railway from the Mississippi to the Pacific, by way of El Paso. New York, 1853. (In reply to a written request from Mr. Chatfield for information.)
8. Records of the Colony of RI and Providence Plantations in New England, 1636 to 1792. (Illustrated with Documents, Letters and Notes.) Printed by order of the General Assembly, Providence, 1855 - 1865. 10 vols., 8vo.
9. Naval History of RI. Published in the Providence Journal, beginning in November, 1861, extending to twenty-nine numbers.
10. History of the Destruction of His Britannic Majesty's Schooner Gaspee in Narragansett Bay, June 10, 1772, accompanied by the correspondence connected therewith, ... and the Official Journal of the Proceedings of the Commission of Enquiry appointed by King George Third on the same. Providence, 1862. 8vo. 140 pp.
11. Index to the printed Acts, Resolves and Reports to the General Assembly of the State of RI, from 1758 to 1850. Subsequently extended to 1862. Providence, 1856 - 62.
12. Bibliography of RI. A catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the State of RI. Providence, 1864.
13. The Literature of the Rebellion. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the late Civil War in the United States, together with Works on American Slavery. Providence, 1866. Royal 8vo. 477 pp. (Nearly all the works mentioned in this Catalogue, 6,000 in number, are in the possession of Mr. Bartlett.)
14. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to North and South America, in the library of John Carter Brown, of Providence. With copious notes, maps, and other illustrations. Providence, 1865 - 1875. 4 vols. imperial 8vo.
15. Memoirs of RI Officers engaged in the service of their country during the great Rebellion of the South, with 34 portraits. Providence, 1867. Quarto.
16. Primeval Man and his Associates. A Report made to the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, 1868. 8vo.
17. History of the Wanton Family, of Newport, RI. Providence, 1878. Small quarto, 152 pp.
18. History of Printing in America, down to the year 1600, with a list of books printed in Mexico and Peru before that year. (In the Appendix to Thomas's History of Printing in America. Albany, 1874, volume ii.)
19. Genealogy of that branch of the Russell Family which comprises the descendants of John Russell, of Woburn, MA. 1879. 8vo.
John Russell and Eliza Allen (Rhodes) Bartlett had seven children:
i. ELIZABETH DORRANCE BARTLETT,8 born in Providence,
June 1, 1833; died in Pawtuxet, October 8, 1840.
ii. ANNA RUSSELL BARTLETT,8 born in Providence, October
19, 1835; married J. Antoine Duvillard.
iii. HENRY ANTHONY BARTLETT,8 born in Pawtuxet, Rhode
Island, August 19, 1838; married Edith E. Blankman.
iv. GEORGE FRANCIS BARTLETT,8 born in New York, Novemb
26, 1840; died in Pawtuxet, RI,
September 8, 1842.
v. JOHN RUSSELL BARTLETT,8 Junior, born in New York,
September 26, 1843; married Jeanie R. Jenckes.
vi. LEILA BARTLETT,8 born in New York, July 11, 1846;
died in Providence, October 4, 1850.
vii. FANNY OSGOOD BARTLETT,8 born in Pawtuxet, April 28,