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- Augustus Osborn Bourn was born in Providence, R. I., Oct. 1, 1834, his birthplace the first two-story wooden house on the south side of Pawtuxet street (now Broad street). His first teacher was Mrs. Mary Arnold, who with her two daughters, Margaret and Sarah, both school teachers, resided in the upper tenement of the Bourn home, then on Trinity street, opposite Sabin street. He attended private and public school until twelve years of age, and, in September, 1847, entered the high school on Benefit street, and four years later entered Brown University. He attended the latter institution four years, 1851-55, was graduated with the degree of A. M., and at once joined his father in the rubber manufacturing business. The elder Bourn was senior of the firm, Bourn, Brown & Chaffee, but in his later years was a semi-invalid compelled to spend the winter months in Cuba, or in an equally tropical climate elsewhere. The son, Augustus O., took his place in the business so far as possible, during the winters of 1855-59, devoting his time especially to factory manufacturing details. After the death of the senior partner, Augustus O. succeeded to his interest and place in the firm. As Colonel Brown, one of the partners, went to the front as captain of the First Company, Light Artillery, of Providence, it was decided to incorporate to avoid complications which would arise in the event of Captain Brown's death. The Providence Rubber Company was therefore incorporated in 1861, as the successor of Bourn, Brown & Chaffee, and, before the expiration of the Goodyear patent in 1865, Mr. Bourn organized the National Rubber Company, and built a large plant in Bristol, RI. About January, 1868, the Providence Rubber Company consolidated with the National Rubber Company and moved their plant to Bristol. Mr. Bourn was treasurer and active manager of the National from 1865 until 1887, that company becoming the most important corporation of the town, nearly half the then population being employed at their plant. In 1894, after his return from Rome, Italy, Mr. Bourn again began rubber manufacturing in Providence, and in 1894 his interests and the old Providence Rubber Company were merged and re-organized as the Bourn Rubber Company, the firm becoming an incorporated body in 1902. Mr. Bourn is yet its capable treasurer and manager.