Notes |
- [Edey.FTW]
Received from J.H. Edey (the following)
Information on the EDEY family
......The name "Luther Edey" appears on a petition for a grant of land in
Tunbridge Gore. This petition, dated Feb. 5, 1780, is printed in Mary
Green Nye's "State Papers of Vermont Vol. V Petitions for Land" on pages
138-9, "Petitions of John Hutchinson et al for Tunbridge Gore". The State
of Vermont "Rolls of Soldiers in the Revolutionary War 1775 to 1785" has
the following:
page 191 Luther Ede in Capt. Joseph Parkhurst's Co., Aug. 9 - 12, 1780.
pages 384-5 Luther Edye in Capt. Abner Seelye's Co. "from the beginning of
the campaign 1781 to the 30th June in said year. pages 536-7 Luther Eddy
in Capt. Abner Seelye's Co. July 1 - Nov. 17, 1781. Page 590 Luther Eddy
in Capt. Beriah Green's Co. Nov. 30, 1781 to March 23, 1782. Pages 627-8
Luther Edy in Capt. Frye Bayley's Co. for 11 days some time between May,
1781 to the end of the war.
Received from J.H. Edey (Harry) copies of correspondence which he has
received from Angus Gilday. This first letter is dated 28 April, 1986.
From family records, and early research recorded by P.M.O. Evans in "The
Wrights" - Moses Edey came to Hull in 1805 from Randolph, Vermont. Jane,
Samuel and their mother followed in 1806.
Jane married Edmund Chamberlin. Moses married Edmund's sister Elizabeth.
Samuel married Abigail Wright, daughter of Thomas and niece of Philemon.
Recent research by Harry Edey (JHE), Patrick M.O. Evans (PMOE) and Joan
and Angus Gilday (JEG & AMG) has uncovered much of their background.
PMOE found a gravestone in Bellevue Cemetery, Aylmer, Quebec, in 1982 -
MARY, wife of LUTHER EDEY died November 23, 1842 aged 86 Hence, she was
born c. 1756.
JHE reported in "Who Was Wd. Edey?" in late 1983 that Vital Records of
Vermont report the Edey births, and show the father as Wd. Edey. His
further research brought him to the original records in Randolph VT.
JEG & AMG visited Randolph in April, 1986, and located the same page 74 in
Vol A. of Virths, Deaths, Marriages 1766 - 1868 for the Town of Randolph.
The index listing of Edey - Widdow was also noted.
Comment - There can no longer be any question of the letters W. meaning
anything other than widow. JHE speculatd that the entries were made in
1800 to 1803, while AMG leans toward 1798 or slightly earlier. The main
advantage of establishing this date would be to narrow down the period
during which the father died. To father Samuel, he must have been alive
past mid - 1785. He presumably was dead when Moses became the ward of
Evans in March 1798.
JHE found an entry in the Accelerated Indexing System which mentioned
Edey, Luther, and Tunbridge Gore. JEG found the attached in the
Montpelier library. (Note - the footnote is in error - the burning of
Royalton was in 1780, not 1777).
AMG found the following items in the same library.
In the "Historical Souvenir of Randolph, Vermont", Nickerson & Cox, 1895 -
"Oct. 16, 1780...Col. Horton's raid from Canada and the Lake up the
Winooski, up the Jail Branch, down the first branch of the White River,
and the devastation of Caughnawaga Indians in warpaint...These Indians had
got seven Randolph settlers, - except Edward Evans, Mr. Eddy, Israel
Kibbee, the two Blodgetts, James & Hanry, who had gon to Dresden on
Sunday, and young Zadock Steele, who was asleep in the shanty of his
father's lot in the north part of the town, and Asa Edgerton, who was in
Bennington asking for a charter for the town.
On page 2 of the same book - "William Evans...came with his wife, and a
brother Edward Evans". John Evans is also mentioned in the book.
JHE reported finding the Probate Records of the District of Randolph (copy
from his letter attached). JEG & AMG found the same record in Chelsea,
VT, where the Probate Court is located.
Comment - it is interesting that Evans brothers were chosen, more than 4
years apart, as guardians of Moses & Samuel.
Back to the library - the following was found in the census of 1800. Heads
of Families - Vermont - Randolph, Orange County.
Polly Edy 1 female of 26 & under 45, 1 female under 10 (Note: Jane would
be 19 or 20 when this census was taken)
Edward Evans 1 male under 10, 1 male of 10, under 16, 1 male of 16,
under 26, 1 male of 45 & over. 1 female under 10, 1 female of 10, under
16, 1 female of 16, and under 26, 1 female of 45 & over.
John Evans 1 male under 10, 1 male 10, under 16, 2 males 16, under 25, 1
male 45 & over. 1 female under 10, 1 female 45 & over. (Comment in the
margin by JHE - I am not too sure of his conclusions here.
Comment - Polly is a very common nickname for Mary. It would appear that
Samuel was already living with John Evans, even though the adoption was
not official until 1802.
Still in the library - The Vermont Revolutionary Muster Rolls show a
Luther Edey (or Ede, Eddy) in several Randolph companies. One roll, for
1781, show him in Newbury. This is also recorded in the "History of
Newbury, Vermont", and a copy of the page is attached. Note he was in the
same company as Nathaniel Chamberlin and several of Nathaniel's brothers.
The library also contained a book called "The Eddy Family in America". At
first this did not seem to offer a good clue. (JHE referred to this book,
and the author's sugestion that the father may have been Othniel Eddey.)
AMG found in the Supplement October 1940 an interesting addition. The two
relevant pages are attached.
Comment - Luther Eddy, a son of Elkanah and Patience (Cole) Eddy, B. Mar.
7, 1754, would be of suitable age to marry Mary "Polly", b. c. 1756.
Mary entrusted her sons to Edward & John Evans. Could she be their
Conclusion - There can be little doubt that Jane, Moses & Samuel were the
children of Luther & Mary "Polly" Edey.
Research now should concentrate on the suggestions immediately above and
any other leads to the originas of Luther & Mary.
1986 04 28
Research by Patrick M.O. Evans, John Henry Edey, Joan E.G. Gilday & Angus
M. Gilday points strongly to Luther & Mary as parents of the three Edeys
who came to Hull early in the 19th. century........
In the international Genealogical Index, Angus Gilday found the following,
all recorded in Plainfield Twp., Windham City, Connecticut:
William Evans Born 10 Oct. 1731 son of Edward Evans/Jannet Edward Evans
Born 03 Mar 1750 son of William Evens/Jannet William Evens Born 31 Jan
1752 son of William Evens/Jannet Mary Evens Born 12 April 1756 daughter of
William Evens/Jannet John Evens Born 17 Nov. 1754 son of Edward Evens/Mary
(There were other children of both William & Edward recorded)
At this point, it is hard to escape the conclusion that the mother of
Jane, Moses & Samuel was Mary Evens (Evans), wife of Luther Edey (Eddy),
daughter of William & Jannet Evens, and probably grand-daughter of William
& Jane Evans, and that she arranged for her brother Edward and cousin John
Evens to be guardians of her sons. (note by J.H. Edey - quite possible and
an interesting speculation. I wouldn't state it quite so strongly as he
has done.)
Angus Gilday found in the 1940 Supplement of "The Eddy Family in America",
by Ruth S.D. Eddey: - Luther Eddy, son of Elkanah & Patience (Cole) Eddy,
born March 7, 1754. (This family lived in Swansea and Warren, Rhode
Island.) The Eddy/Cole marriage was found recorded in the I.G.I. and the
birth of a daughter Amey, but no Luther, and no marriage of Luther & Mary.