Family Tree for those who have the last name of Eddy, Eddye, Eddi, and other variants. This website is for information only. We are not adding any additional genealogical information. If you want to update your tree go to
Matches 201 to 250 of 3,084
# | Notes | Linked to |
201 | Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Timothy C. EDDY Self M Male W 57 ME Farmer NOVA SCOTIA ME Lydia EDDY Wife M Female W 56 ME Keeping Hou Anna EDDY Dau S Female W 25 ME At Home ME ME Willie F. EDDY Son S Male W 19 ME At Home ME ME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Corinth, Penobscot, Maine Family History Library Film 1254485 NA Film Number T9-0485 Page Number 484B | Eddy, Timothy C. (I60787)
202 | Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Willis EDDY Self W Male W 72 MA Gardner MA MA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Morristown, Rice, Minnesota Family History Library Film 1254632 NA Film Number T9-0632 | Eddy, Willis (I60641)
203 | Jacob EDDY Self M Male W 27 PA Farmer PA PA Melisa Anne EDDY Wife M Female W 26 PA Keeping House PA PA John W. EDDY Son S Male W 4 PA PA PA Levi Thomas EDDY Son S Male W 3 PA PA PA Rachel EDDY Dau S Female W 1 PA PA PA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Wayne, Greene, Pennsylvania Family History Library Film 1255133 NA Film Number T9-1133 Page Number 397D | Eddy, Jacob (I05505)
204 | John BYERS Self M Male W 23 IL Farmer PA PA Tamma BYERS Wife M Female W 19 IL Keeping Hou Viola BYERS Dau S Female W 2 IL IL IL Mary BYERS Dau S Female W 3M IL IL IL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Newton, Whiteside, Illinois Family History Library Film 1254259 NA Film Number T9-0259 Page Number 197A | Byers, John S. (I46731)
205 | Julia M. EDDY Self W Female W 54 NY Keeping House MA MA Lemuel G. EDDY Son M Male W 27 MI Laborer NY NY Isabell EDDY DauL M Female W 22 MI Keeping House ENG ENG Lulu J. EDDY Other S Female W 6M MI MI MI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Milford, Oakland, Michigan Family History Library Film 1254599 NA Film Number T9-0599 Page Number 217C | Eddy, Lemuel G. (I31142)
206 | Leonard EDDY Self M Male W 52 NY Farmer RI CT Mary A. Anne EDDY Wife M Female W 45 IL Keeping House IL IL Douglas EDDY Son S Male W 20 CA Laborer NY IL Mary EDDY Dau S Female W 23 CA At Home NY IL Harvey EDDY Son S Male W 17 CA Laborer NY IL Lewie EDDY Son S Male W 6 CA At School NY IL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Sycamore, Contra Costa, California Family History Library Film 1254064 NA Film Number T9-0064 Page Number 611A EDDY, Leonard, 1827, 1885 EDDY, Mary, 1835, 1907 | Eddy, Leonard (I75917)
207 | Leonard EDDY Self M Male W 72 MA Farmer MA MA Isabel EDDY Wife M Female W 56 MA Keeping Hou S Hustin EDDY Son S Male W 24 MA Farm MA MA Jennie M EDDY Dau S Female W 21 MA MA MA Ernest L EDDY Son S Male W 12 MA MA MA Jonah HOWE Other W Male W 69 MA Farm MA MA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Leicester, Worcester, MA Family History Library Film 1254563 NA Film Number T9-0563 | Eddy, Leonard (I04334)
208 | Lewis S. EDDY Self M Male W 59 VT Farmer VT VT Luella A. EDDY Wife M Female W 29 VT Keeping House VT VT Lewis S. EDDY Son S Male W 8 VT VT VT James W. EDDY Son S Male W 7 VT VT VT Harlan H. EDDY Son S Male W 4 VT VT VT Anna B. EDDY Dau S Female W 1 VT VT VT Allen A. FARRER Other S Male W 24 VT Farm Laborer VT VT Katie D. GOLDEN Other S Female W 18 VT Servant IRE IRE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Rockingham, Windham, Vermont Family History Library Film 1255349 Descendants of John White of Wenham and Lancaster, MA Vol III Page 420 ELIZA A. Divoll7 (23976), b. in Rockingham, Vt., Sept., 20, 1828; m. Sept., 1845, Lewis S. Eddy. He was a merchant in Rockingham Village, where she d. July 19, 1867. | Eddy, Lewis Schuyler (I20561)
209 | Lonister SHUMWAY Self M Male W 73 MASS Farmer MASS MASS Clarisa SHUMWAY Wife M Female W 70 MASS MASS MA Clara L. SHUMWAY Dau S Female W 47 MASS Dress Maker MASS MASS Robert C. MERRIAM GSon S Male W 9 MASS MASS MASS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Oxford, Worcester, MA Family History Library Film 1254563 NA Film Number T9-0563 Page Number 441B | Shumway, Lauriston (I08491)
210 | Maria SEYMOUR Self W Female W 60 MA House Keeper MA MA Titus EDDY1 Other M Male W 45 NY Corroder Of White Lead VT MA Mary EDDY2 Other M Female W 39 NY House Keep Mary S. EDDY3 Other S Female W 8 NY At Scho Mary DELANY Other S Female W 55 IRE Servant IRE I Mary A. CUSICK Other S Female W 25 IRE Servant IRE IRE Mary FLINN Other S Female W 24 IRE Servant IRE IRE Notes 1REL GIVEN AS SON 2WIFE OF TITUS 3DAU OF TITUS | Eddy, Titus Egbert (I35502)
211 | Martin L. EDDY Self M Male W 66 MA Farm Labor Britannia EDDY Wife M Female W 56 MA Keeping House MA MA Cyrus M. EDDY Son S Male W 36 MA Works For Boot Factory MA MA Eli EDDY Son M Male W 26 MA Farm Laborer MA MA Elnora EDDY DauL M Female W 18 NS NS NS Roswell EDDY Son S Male W 21 MA Works In Boot Factory MA MA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Randolph, Norfolk, MA Family History Library Film 1254549 NA Film Number T9-0549 Page Number 231B | Eddy, Martin Lawrence (I20761)
212 | Martin V. B. WAITE Self M Male W 44 VT Farm Emerett J. WAITE Wife M Female W 41 VT Keeping House VT VT George A. WAITE Son S Male W 12 NY Works On Farm VT VT Herbert Y. WAITE Son S Male W 8 VT VT VT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Wardsboro, Windham, Vermont Family History Library Film 1255349 NA Film Number T9-1349 Page Number 523A | Wait, Martin Van Buren (I36353)
213 | Mercy EDDY Self M Female W 42 RI Seamstress RI RI Rachel EDDY Dau S Female W 12 RI At School RI RI Lucy EDDY Dau S Female W 10 RI At School RI RI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Providence, Providence, RI Family History Library Film 1255213 NA Film Number T9-1213 Page Number 294A | M., Mercy (I22270)
214 | Mildred Eddy Mildred Ellen Eddy, 85, died May 27 in a Las Vegas hospita She was born Sept. 7, 1912, in Chicago. A legal secretary, she was a two-year resident of Las Vegas. She is survived by her son, Douglas; brother, Theodore Osolin; and sister, Alma Osolin. Desert Memorial Cremation & Burial Society handled arrangement | Osolin, Mildred E. (I65847)
215 | Royal C. EDDIE Self S Male W 29 PA Farming --- VT Lucindia A. EDDIE GMother W Female W 90 NY K. House GER GER David EDDIE Cousin S Male W 23 PA Farm Laborer VT NY | Eddy, Royal C. (I81130)
216 | Ruel A. EDDY Self M Male W 32 NY Confectiona Florence A. EDDY Wife M Female W 27 NY Keeping House NY CANADA Lester A. EDDY Son S Male W 9 NY At School NY NY Leonard E. EDDY Son S Male W 7 NY At School NY NY Nellie F. EDDY Dau S Female W 5 NY NY NY Johanna CURTIS MotherL W Female W 57 CANADA CANADA CANADA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Brooklyn, Kings (Brooklyn), New York City-Greater, New York Family History Library Film 1254844 NA Film Number T9-0844 Page Number 352C | Eddy, Reul (I22384)
217 | Rutland Vt.Herald--Sun.Dec. 19, 1993. EAST WALLINGFORD, Vt.--Funeral services for Georgiana Doody Eddy, 60, who died Thursday evening at Gill Odd Fellows Home in Ludlow, Vt., will be held Monday at 10 a.m. in St. Mary's Church in Mt. Holly, Vt.. Burial will follow in Belmont. She was born on May 25, 1933, in New Haven, Conn., the daughter of George and Anne (Cannon) Doody. She attended Hillhouse High School in New Haven, Conn. She was a member of St. Mary's , the Catholic Daughters of America, Belmont Guild, and St. Mary's Society. Survivors include her husband, Richard W. Eddy; a son, Richard Eddy of Efland, N.C.; three daughters, Karen Eddy of Randolph, Vt., Elizabeth Eddy of Salem, Mass., and Ellen Eddy-White of Rutland, Vt.; and two grandchildren. Friends may call on Sunday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Clifford Funeral Home, 2 Washington street, Rutland, Vt. A wake service will be held on Sunday at 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, Drawer C. Montpelier, Vt. 05602. | Doody, Georgiana (I56654)
218 | SAMUEL EDDY ORIGIN: Cranbrook, Kent MIGRATION: 1630 FIRST RESIDENCE: Plymouth REMOVES: Swansea by 1681 OCCUPATION: Tailor. On 26 June 1678 the town of Plymouth allowed five shillings to "Goodman Edey viz: Samuell Edey for work done by him in time of the war in making clothes for soldiers" [ PTR 1:157]. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Samuel Eddy and his wife were both members of the Plymouth church, as evidenced by the inclusion of their death dates in the records of that church. FREEMAN: Admitted 1 January 1633/4 [ PCR 1:5]. In "1633" and 7 March 1636/7 Plymouth lists of freemen, and in Plymouth portion of 1639, 1658 and 1670 lists of freemen [ PCR 1:4, 53; 5:274; 8:174, 197]. OFFICES: In Plymouth portion of 1643 Plymouth Colony list of men able to bear arms [ PCR 8:188]. ESTATE: On 9 May 1631 Experience Mitchell sold to Samuel Eddy for | Eddy, Samuel (I00002)
219 | Samuel T. EDDY Self M Male W 28 VA Farmer PA VA Mary L. EDDY Wife M Female W 21 OH Keeping House OH OH Rosa M. EDDY Dau S Female W 3 WV VA OH Thomas J. EDDY Son S Male W 2 WV VA OH George W. EDDY Son S Male W 1M WV VA OH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Ellsworth, Tyler, West Virginia Family History Library Film 1255414 NA Film Number T9-1414 Page Number 62D | Eddy, Samuel Taylor (I19235)
220 | Sewel EDDY Self M Male W 44 NY Carpenter & Joiner NY NY Amanda EDDY Wife M Female W 42 NY Keeps Hou George EDDY Son S Male W 10 NY At School NY NY Frederick EDDY Son S Male W 8 NY At School NY NY Stephen EDDY Son S Male W 7 NY At School NY NY Rosina EDDY Dau S Female W 6 NY At School NY NY Eliza A. EDDY Dau S Female W 4 NY NY NY Melvin EDDY Son S Male W 2 NY NY NY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Hadley, Saratoga, New York Family History Library Film 1254928 | Eddy, Sewell D. (I02374)
221 | T. C. EDDY Self W Male W 30 OH Telegraph B. F. EDDY Father M Male W 60 NY Gate Agent CT CT Almeda EDDY Mother M Female W 59 NY Keeping House NY MA Cora EDDY Sister S Female W 15 OH At School NY NY Herbert EDDY Brother S Male W 10 OH At Scho Charles EDDY Son S Male W 5 OH OH NY Frank EDDY Son S Male W 3 OH OH NY Levi EDDY Son S Male W 1 OH OH NY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH Family History Library Film 1255008 Family History Library Film 1255008 | Eddy, Theron C. (I02257)
222 | T. I. EDDY Self M Male W 36 NY Farmer NY NY Martha EDDY Wife M Female W 32 NY Keeping Hou Ira EDDY Son S Male W 13 KS Attending Scho Delia EDDY Dau S Female W 11 KS Attending School NY NY Ernst EDDY Son S Male W 9 KS NY NY H. J. EDDY Dau S Female W 7 KS NY NY Julius EDDY Son S Male W 4 KS NY NY Josephene EDDY Dau S Female W 3 KS NY NY S.H. EDDY Father W Male W 61 NY NY NY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Mill Creek, Pottawatomie, Kansas Family History Library Film 1254393 NA Film Number T9-0393 Page Number 218D | Eddy, Theodore Ira (I10308)
223 | Welcome J. EDDY Self M Male W 34 R.I. Running Stone Quarry R.I. R.I. Belle EDDY Wife M Female W 30 ILL Keeping House MASS MASS Lilly EDDY Dau S Female W 11 ILL R.I. ILL Ella EDDY Dau S Female W 8 ILL R.I. ILL Ida EDDY Dau S Female W 3 ILL R.I. ILL Frank VAUGHN Other S Male W 18 MINN Works In Stone Quarry N.Y. N.Y. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place E. D. 120-122, Le Sueur, Minnesota Family History Library Film 1254625 NA Film Number T9-0625 Page Number 280A | Eddy, Welcome John (I27643)
224 | Welcons EDDY Self M Male W 55 NY Farmer RI RI Mary EDDY Wife M Female W 50 NY Keeping Hou Elwin EDDY Son S Male W 17 NY Farmer NY NY Emma E. EDDY Dau S Female W 13 NY NY NY Nathan EDDY Son S Male W 10 MI NY NY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Monitor, Bay, Michigan 1880 | Eddy, Welcome (I34624)
225 | William EDDY Self M Male W 40 OH Farmer U.S. U.S. Sarah EDDY Wife M Female W 38 OH Keeping Hou James H. EDDY Son S Male W 15 UT Labourer OH OH Daniel W. EDDY Son S Male W 12 UT Labourer OH OH Minnie L. EDDY Dau S Female W 10 UT At Home OH OH Edwin EDDY Son S Male W 8 UT OH OH Shipton EDDY Son S Male W 6 UT OH OH David F. EDDY Son S Male W 2 UT OH OH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Spanish Fork, UT, | Eddy, William (I81488)
226 | William K EDDY Self M Male W 23 TX Merchant MA AL Lou R. EDDY Wife M Female W 23 TX MO GA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Jasper, Texas Family History Library Film 1255313 NA Film Number T9-1313 Page Number 140B | Eddy, William Kinsey (I40669)
227 | "EDDY--In this city, November 18, Mrs. Olive S. EDDY, in the 80th year of her age. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of D.W. HORSBURGH, 1517 Washington street, on Frieday, the 20th instant, at 11:30 a.m. Interment private." Source: Daily Alta California, 20 Nov 1885. | Sanders, Olive (I26631)
228 | "My husband was Harold Raymond Eddy. He died suddenly on August 12, 2000. His number was 19410 in the 1980 "The Eddy Family in America" on page 162. | Eddy, Harold Raymond (I10407)
229 | "Sacramento Union,"Tuesday September 5, 1911. H. S. EDDY, YOLO PIONEER, IS DEAD Well-Known resident of Capay Lives to Three-Score and Ten Mark CAPAY (Yolo Co.), Sept 4 - Hiram Seneca EDDY died last night at the residence of his son, Lyman Eddy, in Capay at the age of 71 years 5 months and 5 days. The funeral will take place Wednesday forenoon at 10 o'clock from the residence of Frank Eddy in Woodland and the interment will be in the Woodland cemetery. Hiram Eddy was born in New York and was a resident of Yolo county for thirty-six years. He first settled in Woodland and about twenty-five years ago removed to Capay. He is survived by three sons, Frank J. of Woodland, Bert of Petz, Colorado and Lyman Eddy of Capay and one daughter, Mrs. T.L. DRYDEN of Galt, Canada. | Eddy, Hiram Seneca (I26257)
230 | #007482-76 (Northumberland Co): James Lane MURPHY, 22, farmer, Cramahe, same, s/o Thomas & Martha, married Etta EDDY, 19, Haldimand, Cramahe, d/o William & Delora, witn: Minnie RONEY & A. MURPHY, both of Cramahe, 20 Sep 1876 at Cramahe | Family: Murphy, James Lane / Eddy, Etta (F28963)
231 | #007746-80 (Northumberland Co): Harnden F. EDDY, 28, farmer, Haldimand, same, s/o Stephen & Jane, married Ellen BLOOMFIELD, 25, Haldimand, same, d/o Robert & Jessie, 28 Dec 1880 at Hastings | Family: Eddy, Harnden Findley / Bloomfield, Ellen (F03953)
232 | #009767-1901 (Lambton Co): Lewis EDDY, 26, Foreman, Rochester, NY, Flint, Mich., s/o Philip C. EDDY & Isabella CONDLIN, married Lena HATHAWAY, 21 Emily City, Mich., Petrolia, d/o James HATHAWAY & Sarah REED, witnesses Robert RICHARD and May COLLINS, both of Petrolia, 1 April 1901, Petrolia by Rev. A.A. Graham, by Lic. | Family: Eddy, Lewis / Hathaway, Lena (F01547)
233 | ******************************************************************************* Personal_FullName: Levantia Mary (Clark) Hancock Personal_DateOfBirth: 1/20/1849 Personal_Sex: Female Place of Birth: Lawtonville, Burke (now Jenkins) Co., GA Date of death: 11/24/1924 Place of death: GA Buried at: unknown Spouse_FullName: Warren H. Hancock Spouse_DateOfBirth: 7/22/1843 Spouse_Sex: Male Place of Marriage: GA Date of Marriage: 5/18/1870 Date of spouse death: 11/24/1923 Spouce place of death : GA Spouse Father_FullName: Edmund Hancock Spouse Mother_FullName: Lucy Eddy book info: 1968 p 11 2067 Father_FullName: Cyrenus Edwin Clark Father_DateOfBirth: 7/25/1805 Mother_FullName: Mercy Watson Mother_DateOfBirth: 10/2/1811 Grandfather_FullName: Caleb Clark Grandfather_DateOfBirth: 8/13/1766 Grandmother_FullName: Lydia Eddy Grandmother_DateOfBirth: 3/19/1769 GGrandfather_FullName: Lewis Eddy GGrandfather_DateOfBirth: 5/28/1735 GGrandmother_FullName: Lydia Record GGrandmother_DateOfBirth: abt 1740 GGGrandfather_FullName: Samuel Eddy GGGrandfather_DateOfBirth: 8/13/1690 GGGrandmother_FullName: Deborah Lewis GGGrandmother_DateOfBirth: 3/4/1700 Contact_FullName: Dawn Owings Contact_Title: Ms. Contact_Organization: Contact_StreetAddress: 4107 Maple St Contact_Address2: Contact_City: Vancouver Contact_State: WA Contact_ZipCode: 98660 Contact_Country: United States Contact_WorkPhone: Contact_HomePhone: Contact_FAX: Contact_Email: Contact_URL: Remote Name: Remote User: HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; AOL 8.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) Date: June 05, 2004 Time: 06:19 PM First Children: Adelina C. Hancock born 8/15/1873 GA died 1/26/1878 Eddie W. Hancock born June 1877 GA died after 1910 Charles H. Hancock born February 1880 died after 1910 Second Childern: Other facts: Warren Hancock was a farmer and later owned and operated a saw mill in Richmond Co., GA. ansestors info: Cyrenus Edwin Clark died 9/18/1878 Lawtonville, Burke (now Jenkins) Co., GA Mercy Watson died 4/29/1890 Lawtonville, Burke (now Jenkins) Co., GA Caleb Clark died 12/10/1822 Laurens, Otsego Co., NY Lydia Eddy died 8/30/1842 Laurens, Otsego Co., NY Lewis Eddy died abt 1805 RI Lydia Record died after 1770 RI Samuel Eddy died abt 1760 RI Deborah Lewis died abt 1769 RI | Clark, Levantia Mary (I10141)
234 | ******************************************************************************* Personal_FullName: Lydia Delight (Clark) Hurst Personal_DateOfBirth: 8/28/1843 Personal_Sex: Female Place of Birth: Lawtonville, Burke (now Jenkins) Co., GA Date of death: 12/3/1905 Place of death: GA Buried at: unknown Spouse_FullName: Seaborn Eugene Hurst Spouse_DateOfBirth: 4/30/1841 Spouse_Sex: Male Place of Marriage: Burke Co., GA Date of Marriage: 6/13/1861 Date of spouse death: 7/9/1924 Spouce place of death : Sycamore, Turner Co., GA buried Clements Cemetery, Sycamore, Turner Co., GA Spouse Father_FullName: Willis S. Hurst Spouse Mother_FullName: Sarah Bolton Eddy book info: 1968 p 11 2066 Father_FullName: Cyrenus Edwin Clark Father_DateOfBirth: 7/25/1805 Mother_FullName: Mercy Watson Mother_DateOfBirth: 10/2/1811 Grandfather_FullName: Caleb Clark Grandfather_DateOfBirth: 8/13/1766 Grandmother_FullName: Lydia Eddy Grandmother_DateOfBirth: 3/19/1769 GGrandfather_FullName: Lewis Eddy GGrandfather_DateOfBirth: 5/28/1735 GGrandmother_FullName: Lydia Record GGrandmother_DateOfBirth: abt 1740 GGGrandfather_FullName: Samuel Eddy GGGrandfather_DateOfBirth: 8/13/1619 GGGrandmother_FullName: Deborah Lewis GGGrandmother_DateOfBirth: 3/4/1700 Contact_FullName: Dawn Owings Contact_Title: Ms. Contact_Organization: Contact_StreetAddress: 4107 Maple St. Contact_Address2: Contact_City: Vancouver Contact_State: Contact_ZipCode: WA Contact_Country: 98660 Contact_WorkPhone: Contact_HomePhone: Contact_FAX: Contact_Email: Contact_URL: Remote Name: Remote User: HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; AOL 8.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) Date: June 05, 2004 Time: 06:03 PM First Children: Sarah M. Hurst born February 1866 Burke Co., GA died 2/4/1951 DeKalb Co., GA Emeline C. Hurst born 1867/1868 GA died unknown Seaborn D. Hurst Sr. born 1870/1871 GA died 1910/1919 Lydia Eddy Hurst born 1873 Burke Co., GA died 6/12/1874 Burke Co., GA Veda Hopkins Hurst born 2/4/1876 Burke Co., GA died 5/29/1944 Savannah, Chatham Co., GA Vinnie Ream Hurst born 2/4/1876 Burke Co., GA died after 1900 Lurena G. Hurst born September 1878 Burke Co., GA died before 1919 Allie Lucile Hurst born 3/15/1881 Burke Co., GA died 7/22/1909 Wadley, Jefferson Co., GA Second Childern: Other facts: Her husband served as a Pvt. and later a Sgt. in Co. A., 22nd GA Inf., CSA, during the Civil War. He served in several major battles including Gettysburg. ansestors info: Cyrenus Edwin Clark died 9/18/1878 Lawtonville, Burke (now Jenkins) Co., GA Mercy Watson died 4/29/1890 Lawtonville, Burke (now Jenkins) Co., GA Caleb Clark died 12/10/1822 Laurens, Otsego Co., NY Lydia Eddy died 8/30/1842 Laurens, Otsego Co., NY Lewis Eddy died abt 1805 RI Lydia record died after 1770 RI Samuel Eddy died abt 1760 RI Deborah Lewis died abt 1769 RI | Clark, Lydia Delight (I10137)
235 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, M.L. (I77684)
236 | +Esther Una Eddy b: January 16, 1892 d: May 1992 in Centerton Cemetery, Northunberland co. Father: Philo Eddy Mother: Caroline Purdy | Eddy, Esther Una (I83213)
237 | ----- Original Message ----- From: Linda Ware To: Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 2:31 PM Subject: Eddy Family Dear Stephanie, Thank you for your suggestion as to the book purchase. I will be sending the membership form and book order tomorrow. I would be interested in including my family line but I am not sure as to what information and/or documentation is needed. Also, there is a correction, if they are included, that I would like to make regarding the children of Prudence Eddy and Jacob Tennant. All information that I have seen refers to the children as Jane D. and Mari Ruth. Jane D. is actually Jeanette ________ Tennant, my Grandmother and Mari Ruth is actually Ruth Vivian Tennant, my Great Aunt. A distant cousin researching the Tennant family, in Texas, stated that these names( Jane D. and Mari Ruth) were written in Jacob Tennant's Will. (Possibility nicknames?) I have a copy of Ruth Vivian's death certificate and application for Social Security. I am waiting for copy of Jeanette's death certificate (not knowing middle name) but I do have copy of Social Security application. All documents indicate parents as Prudence Eddy and Jacob Tennant. If you could advise, I would appreciate it. Linda | Eddy, Prudence (I15288)
238 | -----Original Message----- From: Michelle Shover [] Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 6:56 PM To: Subject: James Franklin Eddy I am a California professor and much published historian on California history. I am writing about a major Indian removal in which James Franklin Eddy, son of John and Nancy Eddy, played a very important role--he was a heroic figure. A really extraordinay man. After the removal, he died at age 33 by his own hand while in final stages of consumption at Red Bluff, CA, having been carried by Indians from the mountains on a litter. I would like to write an article on James Eddy. To that end, I would like to know whether you can recommend sources about his family--their religion, occupation, experience in the United States. He was born at Dudley where his father died 30 years after he did. I would hope to find photos or drawings pertinent to the family. James Eddy's things were sent to his sister at Dudley--by RootsWeb that would be Louisa or Persis. I most of all would like to learn whether he kept a diary or whether the family has any of his papers. Are there obituaies of him, his father? I can't pull any of this up from your site for some reason. I will, of course, send you the article when it is complete. I know that Eddy family members would find it an important addition to the great deal you have evidently done. Hoping to hear from you. Michele Shover Professor of Political Science California State University, Chico 530: 343-1255 | Eddy, James Franklin (I12296)
239 | . The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, Dutchess County, New York Vol. 2 ELKANAH3 BABBITT, (Elkanah2, Edward1), was born in Berkley 22 April 1690 and m. 1st Mary, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Pitts) Hathaway who died 15 Aug. 1729 age 38. He m. 2nd, 2 April 1730, Mehetable, dau. of Stephen and Mary Crane. Mehetable was living in New Ashford MA in 1773 with her son Amariah. Children: (By first wife) i. Mary. 3. ii. Elkanah; m. Obedience Prindle. iii. Jacob (?). iv. Isaac, b. 15 Aug. 1717. v. Hopestill, b. 7 Jan. 1720. vi. Phebe, b. 6 June 1722; m. Caleb Eddy. vii. Marcy, b. 14 July 1726; dy. viii. Deborah (?), b. 1728; m. Robert Bostwick. Children: (by second wife) ix. Marcy, b. 31 Dec. 1730. x. Stephen, b. Dec. 1732. xi. Zephaniah, b. 5 Jan. 1735. 4. xii. Amariah, b. 16 May 1743; m. Mary Burgess. xiii. Zerah, bp. 1748. xiv. Mehitable. xv. John, b. 1750; m. Mercy ______. 3. ELKANAH4 BABBITT, (Elkanah3-2, Edward1), was b. | Babbit, Phoebe (I23722)
240 | ... Res: Leavenworth, KS, Plot: 45 14 3, bur. 05/17/1984 Eddy, Wilbur, d. 07/23/1931, Plot: 36 1 9, bur. 07/23/1931 Eddy, William Murray, b. 11/08/1930, d. 07/02/1990, US Coast Guard, ET2, Res: Leewood, KS, Plot: 44 24 2, bur. 07/06/1990 Eden, ... Eddy, Walter E, b. 01/17/1927, d. 05/13/1984, US Army, SSGT, Res: Leavenworth, KS, Plot: 45 14 3, bur. 05/17/1984 Eddy, Doris J, b. 07/15/1932, d. 03/11/1993, US Army, PVT, Res: Leavenworth, KS, Plot: 45 14 3, bur. 03/15/1993 Eddy, Thomas N, b. 12/08/1877, d. 05/29/1946, Plot: 39 1 22, bur. 05/31/1946 Casius C. EDDY Self M Male W 45 NY Locomotive Engineer NY NY Anetha EDDY Wife M Female W 23 NY Keeping House CAN CAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Pacific, Franklin, Missouri Family History Library Film 1254686 NA Film Number T9-0686 Page Number 96C | Eddy, Cassius C. (I81311)
241 | 008531-89 (Northumberland Co) Charles EDDY, 24, farmer, Haldimand Twp, same, s/o Charles & Maria EDDY, married Anne CLARK, 18, Haldimand Twp, same, d/o Alexander & Ann CLARK, witn Frederick W. STRONG & Ida CLARK both of Haldimand Twp, 20 Feb 1889 at Colborne | Family: Eddy, Charles / Clark, Anne (F30370)
242 | 031297-02 (Oxford Co) EDDY, Foster Brilliant (Bullivant), m, b. 3 Feb 1902, father | Eddy, Foster Bullivant (I59274)
243 | 038395-00 (Simcoe Co) EDDY, Olive May, f, b. Mar. 15, 1899, father | Eddy, Olive May (I85527)
244 | 10313-99 Thomas Langford PARTRIDGE, 25, plumber, South Wales, London, s/o George PARTRIDGE & Angeline LANGFORD, married Beatrice HARPER, 21, Brantford, London, d/o James B. HARPER & Eliza EDY, witn: Alfred C. PARTRIDGE & M. E. HARPER, both of London, 28 Dec 1898 at 573 Hill St., London | Edy, Eliza Ophelia (I75212)
245 | 11594 Old Hwy 61N # 12 E Robinsonville, MS 38664 March 2003 | Source (S642119)
246 | 14 Mar 2004 Descendants of: Sarah Munroe Chafee The information below was written and researched by Germaine Margaret Cashman - Married name Germaine C Grady. Germaine is married to Walter Hazard Grady. Germaine is the author of the O'Neills of County Cork, copy right 1999. She is a descended from the Conna O'Neills in County Cork Ireland. When the notes say " me", or "I " they refer to Germaine. Submitted by Patricia Hazard Grady- daughter of Germaine and Walter Hazard Grady. 1 Sarah Munroe Chafee #1672 b. Oct 21, 1821 Providence, RI d. March 11, 1914 Providence, RI m. c. 1845 Providence, RI Jared Starr Hazard #1611 b. Dec 24, 1825 Pawtuxet, RI Death Certificate-Sarah Munro Hazard died on March 11, 1914, age 92 at 26 Melrose, Providence, RI. She was divorced. Father-Zachariah Chafee, Mother- Mary Eddy. She was buried at Swan Point Cemetery. Funeral Director-Barber, C.E.& Co. Information filed at State Office, Providence, RI. Signed by Registrar on December 21, 1992. LDS Source: Call Number 914407. Batch-M500017. and LDS # AFN: 51 VG-N9. Jared: No Death Date for Jared S. Hazard. He is listed in the 1863 Providence City Directory at 4 Myrtle St., occupation-carpenter. There are several Hazards listed: Anthony, Charles W., Daniel, Edward H., (attorney), George J,, George P, Harriet, James, Jeffery, 5 Johns, Mercy, Nathaniel, Richard, Robert, Samuel, William C., and Walter Chafee Hazard,Sr. The various occupations are patternmaker, clerk, carpenter, machinist, clothes cleaners, teamster, provisions, grocer and box maker. Source: Providence City Directories. p. 163. Latter Day Saints # AFN: 51 VG-M4. 2 Walter Chafee Hazard, Sr. #1613 b. Aug 21, 1847 13 Hoyle St, Providence, RI d. Nov 26, 1924 Munroe Center, Munroe, CT m. Sept 23, 1868 Providence, RI Lizzie Irving #1464 b. Oct 5, 1847 Fall River, MA d. Jan 2, 1891 91 North State St., Ansonia, CT m. March 30, 1895 Monroe, Fairfield Co., CT Ida May Wells #1777 b. July 14, 1850 Stratford, CT d. Sept 21, 1931 Monroe, CT Five children were born to Walter C. Hazard, Sr. and Lizzie Irving in Providence, RI. Two of the children died young. The family moved to Ansonia, CT in 1884 and show up in the Ansonia City Directory 1885-86. Two children were born in Ansonia and the youngest died at age three-7 children-4 lived. Walter C. Hazard, Sr. served in the Civil War, 1862-63 in Co. G, 11th Regiment, RI Volunteers and 1863-65 as a Saddler in Co. K, 2 Regiment, Colorado Volunteer Calvary. He often appeared in the Ansonia Memorial Day Parades riding a horse as a Civil War Calvary Veteran. Dorothy Griffin Hazard, wife of his grandson, David Irving Hazard, sent me pictures of him riding on a horse in the parade. Ansonia, Birmingham, Derby and Shelton City Directories-1885-86-Hazard, Walter, C. emp F. F. & M. Co., bds h Prospect, A. 1890-Walter C., emp Shelton, h 91 North State, A. Walter C. Jr., emp E. Supply Co., bds 91 North State, A. 1895-Walter C., machinist H. C. Cook, rms 38 Johnson. Walter C. Jr., emp A. E. Co., bds 55 N Cliff. City Directory-1900-Walter C. Jr., machinist, h 55 Clifton av. His father had apparently moved from Ansonia. In a pension application on Sept. 2, 1907, he states that he moved from Ansonia about the Spring of 1896 to Monroe, CT. City Directory-1910-Hazard Roderick clk F F & M Co rms 22 S Cliff. Walter C supt A N Co h 44 Mott, Zachariah rms 73 Cottage av. Walter C. Hazard, Jr. had apparently moved from Ansonia. 1920-Hazard Roderick R clk FF&MCo h 222 Wakely av. City Directory-1930-Anna F tchr r 53 Clifton av A, D Irving clk r 53 Clifton av A, Ellen wid of Walter C. conf 53 Clifton av A h do. Roderick R (Susan W) clk F-BCo Inc h 180 Jackson A. Pension Declaration-Walter C. Hazard was enrolled in Co. G, 11th Regiment RI Infantry 1862-63 and that he also served as a Saddler in Co. K., 2nd Regiment Colorado Cavalry 1863-1865 at Denver, Colorado. He describes himself as 5 feet 9 1/2 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, age 63. His places of residence since leaving the service were Providence, Aug. 1863, to Kansas Sept. 1864, to Colorado Nov 1865, to Providence, RI, to Ansonia, CT April 1884. Post Office Address-Ansonia, CT. Signed Dec. 20, 1910. Source: Dorothy Hazard 1991. Death Certificate-Walter C. Hazard, Sr. died on Nov. 26, 1924 at Monroe Center, Monroe, CT in Fairfield County, age 77, Occupation-Mechanical Superintendant-Retired, Date of Birth-Aug. 21, 1847, Birthplace-Providence, RI, *Father-Jared Hazard-Birthplace-Providence, RI, *Mother-Sarah Chafee, Birthhplace-Providence, RI. He was buried at Pine Grove Cemetery, Ansonia, CT, Informant-Mrs. W. C. Hazard, Monroe, CT. Undertaker-Cyrus E. Lewis. Signed by Margaret O. Caulfield, Ass't Registrar of Vital Statics, January 31, 1990. US Census 1880 Soundex-Providence, RI-Walter C. Hazard-age 32, born RI, Wife, Lizzie, age 33, born MA, daughter, Helen I., age 10, born RI, son, Walter Jr., age 8, born RI, daughter, Edith M., age 2, born RI. Vol. 4, ED 34, Sheet 13, p. 35. Source: National Archives Microfilm, Washington, D.C. US Census 1900-Fairfield Co., Monroe Town, CT. Walter C. Hazard, Sr., born Aug 1846, RI, age 53, Wife, Ida M. Hazard, born July 1852, RI, age 47, daughter, Ida Benedict, age 18, born March 1882 CT, son, Zechariah, age 15, born Nov. 1884 CT, Wilbur W. Benedict, age 13, born Dec 1886 CT. Sheet 7, Line 33. Source: National Archives Microfilm, Washington, D.C. US Census Soundex-1920-Fairfield Co., Monroe Town, CT., Walter C. Hazard, Sr., Age 72, born RI, Wife, Ida Hazard, age 67, born CT. Vol. 10, ED 129, Sheet 2, Line 48. Source: National Archives Microfilm, Washington, D.C. Latter Day Saints # AFN: 51VH-2B Source Call Number 914407. Lizzie: Death Certificate-Lizzie Irving Hazard died from Typhoid Fever on Jan. 2, 1891, age 43. She was born in Fall River, MA. Dated at Bermingham on Jan. 30, 1981. Signed by the Ass't Registrar of Ansonia, CT Vital Statisitcs on February 14, 1990. She was married to Walter C. Hazard on Sept. 23, 1868 at Providence, RI, Groom-age 21, born in Providence, Bride-age 21 born in Providence (Fall River, MA), Groom-Father-Jared S., Mother-Sarah M., Bride-Lizzie Irving, Father-John, Mother-Charity/Chasity. Married by a Universalist Pastor-Henry W. Rugg. Signed by Registrar, Robert A. Chevoys on April 19, 1990. Certificate No. 812. Source: RI Archives. Ida May Wells was a widow, who had married (1) Wilbur F. Benedict on Dec. 10, 1879, who died on Aug. 4, 1889 and (2) Francis B. Hubbell on April 27, 1900 who died on Nov 28, 1900. (3) Walter C. Hazard, Sr. on March 30, 1895. Source: Pension Application of Walter C. Hazard, 285 Main St., Ansonia, CT. Dated March 17, 1915. 3 Helen Ida Hazard #1762 b. July 11, 1869 Providence, RI m. June 25, 1895 Ansonia, CT Eugene Keller #1769 Source for the Hazard children births, marriages and deaths: Pension Application of Walter C. Hazard, Sr. Dated March 17, 1915. 4 Raymond E. Keller #3610 b. 1897 d. c. 1944 m. Dorothy Ohlin #3611 4 Theodore H. Keller #1778 b. 1899 (first cousin, twice remove m. Marion Taylor #3612 Theodore Keller is a son of Eugene Keller and Helen Ida Hazard. He was a teacher at Lawrenceville Academy, Princeton, NJ. Source: Family Tradition. 5 Lucy T. Keller #3613 m. Rollin Wiggen #3615 Lucy T. Keller married Rollin Wiggen. 6 Pamela Wiggen #3616 6 Alexander Wiggen #3617 6 Theodore Wiggen #3618 5 Elsa H. Keller #3614 m. Samuel Bodine, Jr. #3620 6 Marian Bodine #3621 4 Marian Keller #3622 b. Dec 4, 1900 d. May 17, 19 m. Christopher Honaas #3623 3 Walter Chaffee Hazard, Jr. #1408 b. July 12, 1872 Providence, RI d. June 27, 1927 55 Clifton Ave., Ansonia, CT m. June 1, 1897 Assumption Church, Ansonia, CT Ellen Hennessey #1404 d. Sept 25,1958 4 Lester St., Ansonia, CT Walter C. Hazard, Jr. moved with his family in 1884 from Providence, Rhode Island to Ansonia, CT. His line goes back to Plymouth 1630 on the Hazard-Eddy Line. His Ancestor, Thomas Hazard, was a Freeman in 1638 in Boston, MA, which gave him voting rights. Walter C. Hazard, Jr. was a Machinist for HC Cook Co. a Manufacturer of clocks in Ansonia, CT. Ansonia 1900 US Census-Hazard, Walter-44 Clifton Ave., Ansonia, CT, born July 1871 RI, age 29, married 3 years, Occupation-Machinist. Wife-Nellie-born March 1873 CT, age 27, daughter, Helen, born Oct 1898, age 11/12 CT, Rents House. Roll 142, Vol. 15, ED 299 (297), Sheet 4, Line 85. Source: National Archives Microfilm, Washington, D.C. Shelton US Census Soundex-1920-Hazard, Walter, Jr. address-25 Fairfield, Shelton, CT, age 45, born RI, Wife, Ellen, Age 43, born CT, daughter, Helen, age 21, born CT, son, Irving, age 17, born CT, daughter, Natalie, age 16, born CT, daughter, Anna, age 14, born CT, daughter, Catherine, age 11, born CT. Vol. 7, ED 480, Sheet 10, Line 71. Source: National Archives Microfilm, Washington, D.C. Marriage Certificate-Walter C. Hazard, Jr., of High Street, Ansonia, CT, age 25, Occupation-Machinist, Place of Birth-Providence, RI, Father-Walter C. Hazard, Nationality-American, Mother-Lizzie Hazard, Nationality-American, and Ellen Hennessey, of Clifton Ave., age 24, Place of Birth-Ansonia, CT, Father-David Hennessey, Nationality-Irish, Mother-Ellen Hennessey, Nationality-Irish. They were married on June 2, 1897 by Rev. J.J. Fitzgerald at the Church of the Assumption, Ansonia, CT. Signed by the Ass't Registrar of Vital Statistics, Ansonia, CT. Dated February 6, 1989. Ansonia City Directory-1895-Hazard, Walter C., Jr. machinist emp A E Co h bds 55 N. Cliff A. 1900-Walter C., Jr. machinist, h 55 Clifton av. Death Certificate died on June 27, 1927, New Haven Hospital, age 55, Residence-Ansonia, CT, Occupation-Machinist, born 1872, in Providence, RI, Father-Walter C. Hazard, born Providence, RI, Mother-Lizzie Irving, born Providence (Fall River, MA), Informant-Mrs. Hazard, buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Ansonia, CT, Undertaker-J.J. Sullivan. Signed Ass't Registrar of Vital Statistics, Ansonia, CT. Dated February 6, 1989. Ellen Hennessey was born on March 12, 1872. Her father, David Hennessey, who emigrated before 1865 to Ansonia, CT, sold 55 Clifton Ave to his wife, Nellie Hennessey, on Jan 25, 1893 with a mortgage of $200.00, being the same premises described in that certain deed to David Hennessey and recorded on Derby Land Records, Vol. 54, p. 132. Derby Land Records, p. 462. Birth Certificate-Ellen Hennessy was born on March 12, 1872 in Derby, CT. Father-David Hennessy, age 31, Birthplace-Ireland, Mother-Ellen Shay, age 28, Birthplace-Ireland-Occupation-Laborer, 4th child, Registered on April 2, 1871 at Derby, CT. Signed by Marian C. Molloy, Registrar of Vital Statistics, Derby, CT. Dated March 15, 1989. Ellen Hennessey was baptized at the Church of the Assumption, Ansonia, CT on March 12, 1872. Sponsors were James Shea and Mary Sullivan. Source: Assumption Church Records. Dated July 29, 1991. Ansonia City Directory-1900-Hazard, Walter C. Jr., machinist, h 55 Clifton Av. 1930-Hennessey, Ellen, wid Walter C. conf 53 Clifton ave h do. After her Husband's death in 1927, Ellen Hennessey Hazard ran a confectionery shop for candies and magazines at 53 Clifton Ave. Her grandson, Walter Grady, often read all the comic books while he waited for his mother. Source: Family Tradition. 4 Helen Shay Hazard #1409 b. Oct 20, 1898 Ansonia, CT d. Dec 2, 1965 New Haven, CT m. Nov 22, 1920 Assumption Church, Ansonia, CT Robert Voss #14 Helen was a Medical Secretary in Grace New Haven, Hospital in New Haven, CT. Source: Family Tradition. Source for Hazard children births, marriages and deaths: Ansonia-Derby Vital Statistics. LDS Microfilm, UT. 5 Helen Gertrude Voss #1425 b. Aug 29, 1921 East Have m. Thomas Rourke #1428 b. c. 1920 New Haven, CT Helen (Budgy) Voss is a Navy Veteran of WWII. She was employed as a Secretary and Bookeeper. She and her husband raised their family in Medford, NJ. Budgy lives with her family in FL. Source for birth dates. Helen Voss, 1997. Thomas: Tom was a graduate of the University of Notre Dame, IND, with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Source: Family Tradition. 6 Brian Rourke #1445 b. April 6, 1949 New Haven, CT 6 Lynne Rourke #1429 b. May 11, 1951 New Have m. Mr. Sorino #3522 Lynne Rourke Sorino and her family live in NJ. 6 Keith Rourke #1431 b. June 26, 1953 New Haven, CT 6 Scott Rourke #1430 b. Aug. 11, 1955 Camden, NJ 5 Robert Hazard Voss #1426 b. April 4, 1923 East Have m. Sept. 1, c.1949 CT Fern Coleman #3676 b. Aug. 27, 19 Bob is retired in Florida. 5 Elizabeth Ann Voss #3530 b. Nov 27, 1924 East Haven, CT d. 19 5 David Krug Voss #1427 b. Dec 15, 1936 East Have m. Louise Voss #3677 David and his wife, Louise, are retired in Florida. 4 David Irving Hazard #1410 b. May 23, 1902 Shelton, CT d. March 25, 1986 Griffin Hospital, Derby, CT m. Feb 7, 1948 Assumption Church, Ansonia, CT Dorothy Griffin #1440 b. July 11, 1914 New Haven, CT d. Dec 29, 1995 Shelton, CT Ansonia 1930 City Directories-Hazard, D Irving clk r 53 Clifton av A. He and his wife, Dorothy Griffin, lived in Ansonia, CT. David Irving Hazard worked for the Anaconda American Brass Co., in Ansonia for many years until his retirement. Dorthy Griffin Hazard, a Registered Nurse, was the Administrator for a Nursing Home in Ansonia, CT for several years. She died on Dec. 29, 1995 in Shelton, CT and was buried at St. Lawrence's Cemetery, West Haven, CT. I first met Dorthy and Dave in 1949; they were both friendly and cordial. Dorthy was most helpful in giving me genealogy information on the family. 5 Walter Gerald Hazard #1441 b. Sept 17, 1950 Derb m. June 4, 1977 Assonet, MA Cynthia Callaghnan #1442 b. Aug 11, 1950 Fall River, MA 6 David J. Hazard #1524 b. March 28, 1981 Brockton, MA 6 Rachel L. Hazard #1525 b. March 5, 1984 Fall Rive, MA 4 Natalie Margaret Hazard #1309 b. July 28, 1904 55 Clifton Ave., Ansonia, CT d. Jan 17, 1977 Ansonia, CT m. June 1, 1927 Assumption Church, Ansonia, CT Harold Francis Grady, Sr. #1232 b. June 5, 1900 Hodge Ave, Ansonia, CT d. Oct 1967 Derby, CT Natalie Margaret Hazard was the 3rd child born to Walter C. Hazard and Ellen Hennessey and one of four daughters. She grew up at 55 Cliftton Ave, Ansonia, and 25 Fairfield Ave., Shelton, Ct. She liked to relate the story that it was her duty to bake the family bread and became skilled at baking. Natalie worked as a Stenographer/Bookeeper for an Auto Dealer before her marriage. Natalie M. Hazard and Harold F. Grady were married at the Church of the Assumption, Ansonia, CT on June 1, 1927 by Rev. E. L. Sullivan. On their marriage license, p. 310, it states that Harold was age 26, living at 59 Hodge Ave., Ansonia, CT, Father-John Grady, Mother-Nell Minch, Natalie, age 23, living at 53 Clifton Ave, Ansonia, CT, Father-Walter C. Hazard, Mother-Ellen Hennessey. Signed by the Ass't Registrar of Ansonia Vital Statistics on February 2, 1990. Natalie and Harold had two sons and one daughter born to them in 1928, 1929 and 1932. Their home was always filled with family members at holidays-her mother, Ellen Hazard, and her sister, Katherine Hazard, lived down the street at 53 Clifton Ave., Ansonia. Harold: Harold Francis Grady was a Tool and Die Maker for the American Brass Company, Ansonia, CT for many years until his retirement in 1965. He and his family lived in Ansonia, CT. 5 Walter Hazard Grady #368 b. April 25, 1928 CT m. Aug 11, 1952 St. Lawrence's Church, West Haven, CT Germaine Margaret Cashman #369 b. Sept 12, 1929 CT Walter is a direct descendant on the Hazard-Eddy line that goes back to Plymouth 1630. Sources: Caroline E. Robinson, "The Hazard Family of Rhode Island" 1635-1894 (Boston, MA. MDCCCXCV 1895) (p p. 1-5, 10-11, 24, 51-52, and 153); Ruth Story Devereux Eddy , "The Eddy Family in America" (Boston, MA 1930, p p. 3-13, 22-29, 34-39, 48-53, 74-75, 124, 203, 318-19. Source: Christine Lamar, Professional Researcher, Providence, RI. Dated July 19, 1995. Germaine: Germaine graduated from West Haven High School in 1947, and The Hospital of St. Raphael School of Nursing, New Haven, CT, 1950 with a Diploma in Nursing and received her Registered Nurse License. She was an American Airline Stewardess 1951-52 in Fort Worth, Texas and New York. Germaine lived abroad from June 1953 to Dec. 1955 in Braintree, County of Essex, England as a U.S. Air Force Wife. Two daughters were born in 1953 and 1955 in England. 6 Margaret Ann Grady #370 b. Oct 27, 1953 Arrington, Co. Cambridgeshire, England m. Nov 7, 1981 Baltimore, MD Francis Key Kidder #139 b. April 22, 1948 Baltimore, MD 7 Francis Scott Key Kidder #3170 b. Oct 14, 1984 MD Scott was named after his ancestor, Francis Scott Key 7 Walter Hazard Grady Kidder #66 b. July 23, 1989 MD . 6 Kerry May Grady #5 b. April 29, 1955 Arrington, Cambridgeshire, England m. May 27, 1979 Our Lady of the Lake Church, Sparta, NJ James J. Murphy, Jr. AIA #1 b. Nov 23, 1953 Philadelphi 7 Lauren Grady Murphy #6 b. March 25, 19 7 Katherine McCrystal Murphy #7 b. April 20, 1989 PA 6 Patricia Hazard Grady #243 b. April 25, 19 m. March 7, 1987 St. Francis DeSales, Philadelphia, PA Patrick L. Murphy #168 b. Aug 31, 1958 NY Patrick: 7 Megan Cashman Murphy #244 b. Dec 26,1989 PA 7 Liam Patrick Murphy #245 b. Oct 2, 1992 NJ 5 Harold F. Grady, Jr #1317 b. Oct 25, 1929 CT m. Aug 7, 1955 Minneapolis, MN Jeanne Mattsson #1318 b. June 24, 1930 MN Harold graduated from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT in 1951 with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in 1955. He was a Vice President for Lycoming Division, Textron Corporation. Stratford, CT. Jeanne: Jeanne worked as a Medical Secretary in Newtown, CT where she and her husband, Harold, raised their family. 6 Kerry Mitchell Grady #1332 b. July 31, 19 m. June 18, 1988 Danbury, CT Maria Isabel Rodriguez #1340 b. March 28, 1962 Portugal 7 Fallon Grady #1341 b. March 20, 1983 CT 7 Kyra Mykaela Grady #2367 b. March 15, 1996 CT 6 Lee Anne Grady #1333 b. July 29, 1958 MN m. June 18, 1988 Newtown, CT Kevin Jospeh Sullivan #1342 b. June 3, 1958 NY 7 Shannon Jeanne Sullivan #1343 b. Sept 22, 19 7 Michael Joseph Sullivan #1344 b. Oct 11, 1993 IL 7 Dylan Patrick Sullivan #2368 b. Sept 18, 1996 IL 6 Harold Michael Grady #1334 b. March 27,1960 CT d. March 29,1969 New Haven, CT 6 Patrick Matthew Grady #1335 b. Nov 9, 19 m. May 30, 1990 Kuaua, Hawaii Cynthia Ann Provenzano #1345 b. April 13, 1961 CT 7 Christopher Michael Grady #1346 b. April 1, 19 7 Kaitlin Marie Grady #1347 b. April 4, 1995 GA 6 Bridget Suzanne Grady #1336 b. Dec 27, 19 m. Oct 7, 1995 SC Kenneth Edward Hunihan #1350 b. Dec 25, 1962 CT Adopted children. - Don't have their names. 6 Heather Marie Grady #1337 b. Oct 27, 19 m. July 4, 1992 Newtown, CT Rory Scott Ross #1348 b. Aug 12, 1963 IL 7 Alec Grady Ross #1349 b. June 21, 1996 IL 7 Kailee Marie Ross #3428 b. May 12, 1998 IL 5 Corinne Ann Grady #1316 b. Aug 10, 1932 CT m. Sept 3, 1955 Assumption Church, Ansonia, CT Bertrand Oliver DeForest, Jr. #1319 b. Feb 24, 1929 CT 6 Ellen DeForest #1320 b. June 29, 1956 CT m. Aug 13, 1983 Southbury, CT Roland William Lavoie, Jr. #1326 b. June 10, 1947 CT 7 Justine Lavoie #1327 b. May 1, 1985 CT 6 Nancy DeForest #1321 b. July 29, 19 6 Ruth DeForest #1322 b. July 6, 1959 CT m. c. 1983 Assumption Church, Ansonia, CT Alan Jachyra #1328 b. c. 1958 CT 6 Natalie DeForest #1323 b. April 18, 1965 CT m. 1991 St. John, USVI E. David Brawley, III #13 7 Kelly Brawley #1339 b. Dec 23, 1991 FL 6 Bertrand H. DeForest, Sr. #1324 b. Dec 10, 19 m. Dec. 22, 1990 West Point Catholic Chapel, NY Ann Lockman #1329 b. April 3, 1967 NY 7 Bertrand H. DeForest, Jr. #1330 b. Aug 15, 1993 Germa 7 Benjamin John DeForest #1331 b. Dec 26, 19 Benjamim John was named after his grandfather, the Hon. John Lockman, Supreme Court Judge in NY. 6 Walter DeForest #1325 b. July 30, 19 4 Anna F. Hazard #1411 b. Aug 9, 1905 Shelton, CT d. March 10, 1995 Vero Beach, FL m. Thomas W. Wrynne #1432 Ann Hazard Wrynne graduated about 1922 from New Haven Teachers School, New Haven, CT. She worked as a teacher in Ansonia, CT for several years until her marriage. She and her husband, Tom Wrynne, raised their family in Waterbury, CT; after her husband's death, Ann returned to teaching in Ansonia for several years. Source: Catherine Wrynne Jespersen 1995 5 Thomas Wrynne #3531 b. c. 1938 Waterbury, CT d. Infa 5 Ellen Mary Wrynne #1438 b. May 12, 1940 Waterbur 5 Patricia Ann Wrynne #1436 b. May 28, 1942 Waterbur m. Donald Rado #3524 5 Joan Frances Wrynne #1435 b. Nov 7, 1943 Waterbur m. William Frazier #3525 Joan and Bill Frazier live in FL 5 Catherine Louise Wrynne #1434 b. May 26, 1946 Waterbury, CT m. Henry Jespersen #3523 4 Katherine B. Hazard #1412 b. 1908 Shelton, CT d. Dec 18, 1974 116 Pershing Drive, Ansonia, CT Katherine was the 5th child of Walter C. Hazard and Ellen Hennessey and one of four daughters. She was unmarried and lived at home with her mother, Ellen Hazard at 53 Clifton Ave, Ansonia, CT, which later became 116 Pershing Drive. On her death certificate, it lists her occupation as a floor lady for the Chromium Process Co., Derby, CT. Informant-Mrs. Bertrand DeForest. Undertaker-James F. Shay. 3 Edith May Hazard #1763 b. March 26, 1878 Providence, RI d. Aug 21, 1882 Providence, RI 3 Mary Lizzie Hazard #1764 b. Jan 1, 1882 Providence, RI d. May 5, 1882 Providence, RI 3 Roderick Ross Hazard #1765 b. Feb 2, 1884 Providence, RI d. Sept 11, 1950 CT m. Oct 27, 1908 Ansonia, CT Vital Records Susan Lillian Watson #1768 b. June 21, 1884 (Birmingham) Ansonia, CT d. Feb 14, 1969 Ansoni Ansonia City Directory 1910-Hazard, Roderick clk F F & M Co rms 22 S Cliff. US Census Soundex-1920-Robert Hazzard (Roderick) age 35, born in RI, address- 222 Wakelee Ave., New Haven, CT (Ansonia) , Wife, Susie Hazard, age 35, born in Ansonia, CT, son, Allen, age 6, born in Ansonia, CT, daughter, Barbara, age 11/12, born in Ansonia, CT. Vol. 30, ED 246, Sheet 3, Line 46. Susan: I met Sue Hazard one day at the home of Natalie Hazard Grady in 1956. She greatly enjoyed meeting me and our two girls, Margaret and Kerry; we had just returned home from three years in England in the Air Force. 4 Allan Watson Hazard #1773 b. Oct 27, 1913 Ansoni m. June 3, 1941 Doris Virginia Schwaner #3624 b. March 13, 1918 New Haven, CT Allan Watson Hazard was born on Oct. 27, 1913. Vol. 6. p. 32. Ansonia Derby Vital Records. Source: Latter Day Saints Microfilm, UT. 5 Linda Ann Hazard #3625 b. Aug 5, 1943 Camp Lejeun m. David Robert Smith #3626 b. Sept 14, 19 m. Phillip Schwenck #3634 m. Aug 26, 1993 Gene Morris Haynie #3635 b. Aug 29, 1928 6 Kimberley DeeAnn Smith #3627 b. May 30, 1968 San Dieg m. Gregory Saliba #3628 b. April 26, 1968 6 Cherilynn Christie Smith #3629 b. May 26, 1969 San Dieg m. May 5, 1990 David Bruce Matson #3630 b. April 10, 1955 7 Tyler David Matson #3631 b. April 27, 1991 7 L'oreal Alycia Matson #3632 b. June 13, 1993 7 Kylie Shae Matson #3633 b. June 9, 1995 5 Robert Allan Hazard #3636 b. April 23, 1947 Cananea, Sonora, Mexico m. Nov 14, 1970 Mary Virginia Caldwell #3637 b. Sept 16, 1947 Greenville, Texas Robert Allan Hazard was born in the Hospital de Ronquillo, Cananea, Sonora, Mexico. 6 Scott Allan Hazard #3638 b. April 1, 1973 Mercy Hospital, San Diego, CA 6 Rebecca Marie Hazard #3639 b. Oct 4, 1976 St. Joseph's Hospital, Orange, CA 5 Richard Martin Hazard #3640 b. June 17, 1950 Queen of Angels Hospital, Los Angles, CA m. 1973 Penny DuVon #3641 m. Aug 28, 1993 Kathryn Jane Jamieson #3642 b. Dec 28, 1946 5 Susan May Hazard #3643 b. Feb 28, 1952 Queen of Angles Hospital, Los Angles, CA 4 Barbara Louise Hazard #1774 b. Jan 20, 1919 Ansonia, CT d. May 19, 1926 Ansonia, CT ( Barbara Louise Hazard died on May 19, 1926. Ansonia, CT, Vital Records, Vol. 9, p. 17. Source: Latter Day Saints Microfilm, UT. 3 Zeckeriah Chafee Hazard #1766 b. Oct 26, 1885 Ansonia, CT d. 1948 m. c. 1912 Margaret Baxter #1775 b. 1889 Philadelphia, PA d. 19 Stratford US 1920 Census Soundex-Zechariah Chafee Hazard, address-196 Main St., Stratford, Fairfield County, CT, age 34, born CT, Wife, Margaret, age 30, born Philidelphia, daughter, Edith, age 7, born CT. Vol. 9, ED 484, Sheet 14, Line 88. Source: National Archives Microfilm, Washington, D.C. 4 Edith Hazard #1776 b. 1912 CT m. Kenneth Burkey #3644 5 K. Steele Burky #3645 m. Patricia Burkey #3648 5 Carolyn Burkey #3646 m. Joseph Blocker #3649 5 Joan Burkey #3647 m. Jack Barralt #3650 m. Rob Schulkers #3653 6 Jack Barralt #3651 6 Jessica Barralt #3652 5 Peter Burkey #3654 m. Lynne Burkey #3655 3 Raymond Irvin | Chafee, Sarah Munroe (I29975)
247 | 1746 EDDY EDDY William, of Caleb and Methitable, April 25, 1746. 1 55 Birth Warren At the time of the 1774 Census he was a resident of Scituate, RI with a household consisting of one male over 16, five under 16, and one female. He does not appear in the 1777 Census of RI. Probably around 1775 he joined his brother Samuel in western MA for he served in the Revolutionary War, from Gageborough with the following service: William Eddy, Gageborough. Sergeant, Capt. John Wood's company, Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's regiment; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 24, 1775; service 3 months 15 days; also, company return (prob. Oct, 1775); also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Cambridge, November 15, 1775. [source: The Eddy Family in America, p. 158 and MA Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution. Volume 5 page 205] | Eddy, William (I44243)
248 | 1752 EDDY EDDY Amey, of Elkanah and Patience, Jan. 31, 1752. 1 3 Birth Warren | Eddy, Amy (I01736)
249 | 1805 EDDY EDDY Amey, Harding, br. Feb. 10, 1805. Sept. 24, 1849 more Member Warren 1849 EDDY EDDY Amey, Harding, br. Feb. 10, 1805. Sept. 24, 1849 | Harding, Amy (I25495)
250 | 1807 CHAFFEE CHAFFEE Zachariah and Mary Eddy, daughter of Peleg, both of and at providence, by Rev. Mr. Wilson. Phenix of Nov. 28, 1807 more Marriage Providence | Family: Chafee, Zachariah / Eddy, Mary (F06369)
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