Family Tree for those who have the last name of Eddy, Eddye, Eddi, and other variants. This website is for information only. We are not adding any additional genealogical information. If you want to update your tree go to
Matches 1,351 to 1,400 of 3,084
# | Notes | Linked to |
1351 | William S. BRONSON Self M Male W 64 VERMONT Farmer CONN CONN Charlott BRONSON Wife M Female W 64 VERMONT Keep House --- --- Frank BRONSON Son M Male W 20 OHIO Farmer VERMONT VERMONT Ettie BRONSON DauL M Female W 17 VERMONT --- VERMO George STRATTON GSon S Male W 9 VERMONT VERMONT VERMONT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Bennington, Bennington, Vermont Family History Library Film 1255341 NA Film Number T9-1341 | Bronson, William E. S. (I09201)
1352 | William SCOTT Self M Male W 52 PA Grocer VT NY Sarah R. SCOTT Wife M Female W 42 PA Keeping House PA NH Frank R. SCOTT Son S Male W 20 PA At Home PA PA Zachariah E. EDDY BroL S Male W 33 PA Grocer PA NH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Warren, Warren, Pennsylvania Family History Library Film 1255200 NA Film Number T9-1200 | Scott, William (I40473)
1353 | William W. COOPER Self M Male W 52 KY Miner ENG SC Clare F. COOPER Wife M Female W 30 RI Keeping House RI RI Samuel Eddy COOPER Son S Male W 12 CA Attending School KY RI William W. COOPER Son S Male W 8 CA Attending School KY RI Annie L. COOPER Dau S Female W 6 CA Attending School KY RI Abby EDDY MotherL W Female W 59 RI Keeping House ME RI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Forest, Sierra, California Family History Library Film 1254082 NA Film Number T9-0082 Page Number 137A | Cooper, William W. (I23122)
1354 | Winfield EDDY Self M Male W 32 NY Saw Mill Tan Hellen EDDY Wife M Female W 31 NY House Keepi Lester EDDY Son S Male W 7 NY At School NY NY Minna EDDY Dau S Female W 7 NY At School NY NY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Lenox, Madison, New York Family History Library Film 1254860 NA Film Number T9-0860 Page Number 328C | Eddy, William Winfield (I57835)
1355 | Wm. A. SMITH Self M Male W 29 NY Farmer NY NY Alice SMITH Wife M Female W 28 NY Keeping Hou Charles SMITH Son S Male W 4 NY NY NY Mabel EDDY Niece S Female W 7 NY NY NY Lydia WHEELER Aunt W Female W 50 NY At Ho Ed HATHAWAY Other S Male W 29 NY Laborer NY NY Lodema SPENCER Other W Female W 41 NY Servant --- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Greene, Chenango, New York Family History Library Film 1254818 NA Film Number T9-0818 | Eddy, Lydia Ann (I12806)
1356 | Wm. C. HUNTINGTON Self M Male W 72 NY Farmi Jane M. HUNTINGTON Wife M Female W 62 NY Housekeeping VT CT Wm. TRUEBLOOD SonL M Male W 29 IN Teacher NC NC Ella TRUEBLOOD Dau M Female W 24 WI Housekeeping NY NY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Walnut, Jewell, Kansas Family History Library Film 1254383 NA Film Number T9-0383 | Huntington, William Campbell (I40012)
1357 | Wm. EDDEY Self Male W 59 NJ Butcher ENG ENG Rosamond EDDEY Wife M Female W 58 NY Keeps House NY NY David R. EDDEY Son S Male W 32 NJ Wholesale Clothing NJ NY William F. EDDEY Son S Male W 24 NY Book Finisher NJ NY Rosamond A. EDDEY Dau S Female W 18 NJ At Ho Sarah FISHER SisterL W Female W 50 NY Dress Maker NY NY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place E. D. 4-5, Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey Family History Library Film 1254782 NA Film Number T9-0782 Page Number 130C | Eddy, William (I01571)
1358 | Wm. EDDY Self M Male W 43 OH Farmer VT NY Emiline EDDY Wife M Female W 30 PA Keeping House PA PA Allen J. EDDY Son Male W 10 IA At Home OH PA Benjiman EDDY Son Male W 7 IA OH PA Rosettie EDDY Dau Female W 8 IA OH PA Orval EDDY Son Male W 3 IA OH PA Wm. EDDY Son Male W 8M IA OH PA Francis TIPPIN Other Male W 23 IN Farm Labor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Oxford, Johnson, Iowa Family History Library Film 1254347 | Eddy, William (I81423)
1359 | Wm. N. EDDY Self M Male W 50 VA Miller VA VA Mary E. EDDY Wife M Female W 46 VA Keeping House VA VA Alice EDDY Dau S Female W 20 VA At Ho B. F. WILLIAMS FatherL S Male W 82 VA At Ho Marthy MILLER Other M Female MU 50 VA Serva Sydney BOSS Other S Male MU 27 VA Servant VA VA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Winchester, Frederick, Virginia Family History Library Film 1255367 | Eddy, William Newton (I02592)
1360 | Woonsocket (RI) Patriot, for week ending Friday, Sept. 13, 1878 In Warren, Sept. 9, Mrs. Tamar H. EDDY, in the 78th yr of her age. | Unknown (I83148)
1361 | Worth Thomson, s. Frank G. and Minnie G., b. May 2, 1893. | Source (S002206)
1362 | WWW Military order of the loyal region Eddy , Darius Frances Second lieutenant , 42nd infantry , M.V.M, in service of the united states Elected November 01, 1893 insignia 10315 Second lieutenant, 42nd infantry September 20, 1862 prisoner of war discharged July 22, 1864 | Eddy, Darius Francis (I47477)
1363 | JOSEPH EDDY," to church Aug. 5th, 1821, son of Charles, sen. and his wife, Hannah (Kelsey,) born Feb. 27th, 1786; was both farmer and mechanic; could turn his hand usefully and cheerfully to several employments; had an active mind, with great force of character, but uncultivated. He married May 13th, 1807, No. (320;) he built near his father's, on the road north of "Job's Corner;" he died June 14th, 1836, aged 50. | Eddy, Joseph (I59276)
1364 | Year book of Holland Society of NY Vols 1918 Page 196 THOMAS EDDY HARDENBERGH Born--March 17, 1844. Died--April 14, 1918. THOMAS EDDY HARDENBERGH was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey. In early life he devoted himself to music and was one of the first members of the Mendelssohn Glee Club of New York City as well as organist of several leading churches. Later he entered the Singer Manufacturing Company of which he had been both Treasurer and Secretary, resigning his position about five years before his death which occurred at his residence, 1 West 81st Street, New York City, on April 14, 1918. He was survived by his wife, Louise Finch, and the following children, Ambrose, Thomas Eddy, Jr., and Hildegarde Eagle. Thomas Eddy, Jr., is in military service as First Lieutenant, Officers' Reserve Corps. Mr. Hardenbergh joined The Holland Society on March 14, 1907, by right of descent from Jan Hardenbergh, the immigrant ancestor of this family. | Hardenbergh, Thomas Eddy (I55167)
1365 | Yeaw Family Bible states death as Apr. 29 1808 | Eddy, Mehitable (I44134)
1366 | York EDDY Self M Male W 48 NY Farmer CT CT Louise EDDY Wife M Female W 46 VT Housekeep Seth EDDY Son S Male W 23 IL Farmer NY VT Lura EDDY Dau S Female W 17 IL Home NY VT Seward EDDY Son S Male W 15 IL Home NY VT Lloyd EDDY Son S Male W 12 IL Home NY VT Newell EDDY Son S Male W 9 IL Home NY VT Dana EDDY Son S Male W 6 IL Home NY VT Lottie EDDY Dau S Female W 1 IL Home NY VT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Erie, Whiteside, Illinois Family History Library Film 1254258 NA Film Number T9-0258 Page Number 57D | Eddy, York (I04539)
1367 | Young Freeland Mother is Dead. Mrs. Franklin Garner, 24 Years Old, Buried Last Saturday Afternoon" "Mrs. Franklin Garner, aged 24 years, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Eddy on the Garfield road, Wednesday, February 20. "Nettie Irene Eddy was born June 27, 1904 inTittabawassee township. She is survived by her husband and one son Billy; her parents, one sister a one brother, Mrs. Iva Smith of Detroit and Clarence Eddy at home. "Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday from the home of her parents and at 2 p.m. from the Congregational church, Freeland. Rev. F. Davis of the Baptist church, Saginaw, officiated with burial in Williams township cemetery." (Midland Republican, Thursday, 28 February, 1929, p. 3) | Eddy, Nettie Irene (I82779)
1368 | Zacariah H. EDDY Self M Male W 62 PA Farmer MA IRELA Theodate EDDY Wife M Female W 68 NH Keeping House NH NH Lila MYNS Other S Female W 17 IL Servant --- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Warren, Warren, Pennsylvania Family History Library Film 1255200 NA Film Number T9-1200 Page Number 28D | Eddy, Zachariah Henry (I18506)
1369 | Zachariah Eddy b. 1639 (Court Orders, Plymouth, [Written] 2. 1. 151); d. Sept. 4, 1718, leaving a will; m. (1) May 7, 1663, Alice Paddock (East Bridgewater, V.R., also Plymouth Records, p. 28). She was b. Mar. 7, 1640; d. Sept. 24, 1692; dau. of Robert Paddock, (or Padduck) and his wife Mary . . . He m. (2) Abigail Smith, widow of Dermit Smith (alias Jeremiah, for which Dermit was a common nickname). She d. Sept. 13, 1720 leaving a will, dated Jan. 2, 1720. Zachariah was bound out at the age of seven years to Mr. John Browne of Rehoboth. This Mr. John Browne was a man of importance in Plymouth, being the Governor's Assistant from 1636-1655. He was one of the original settlers and proprietors of Taunton and also of Rehoboth. A large tract of land called Wannamoisett was granted to him for his services to the government of Plymouth (Hist. of Taunton, p. 32). Mr. John Browne died in 1662, but in a deed dated Dec. 29, 1661, he left to "Zacariah Eedey now resident in my family" 1/3 of 150 acres in Narragansett betwixt Quidnisset and trading house of Richard Smith (Plymouth Col. Deeds, p. 103). On Jan. 4, 1661, "Zachariah bought of Thomas Savery a piece of land lying near Whetstones Vineyard in the Major's Purchase bounded on or near where Eddy lives" (Plymouth Co. Deeds, 3, 81). On March 24, 1662 he received from his father Samuel, land near "Namassakeet" (Plymouth Col. Records, p. 116), and later "The court has granted to Zacary Eedey a smale gusset of land lying betwixt his land and the brook, fromhis house below the path to Namasskett unto the aforesaid brooke unto a bridg or way neare unto a path that turns out of the old way unto Wm. Nelson's house, the sd. parcell of land so bounded as aforesaid, is granted unto the said Zacary Eedey . . . etc. on condition that the said Zacary Eedey doe continue a bridge neare his house in the place where it is needed for horse and cart, for the use of the countrey, for the full tearme of twenty years from the date hereof. June 7, 1665." (Court Orders, Plymouth, printed. Vol. IV, p. 95. Hist. of Middleboro, p. 41.) From these records it appears that upon completing his apprenticeship Zachariah went to Middleboro and settled there, remaining for about eight years. His house stood on the twelve acres, granted him by the court, near what was later known as Eddy's furnace, just south of the present Eddyville. In 1666 his bounds were laid out by Ephraim Tinkham and Henry Wood (Court Orders, 4, p. 128). In 1667 Hugh Cole, Constant Southworth, Josias Winslow, and others, all of Plymouth, purchased of King Philip all the marsh and meadow land of Mattapoysett. At this time Rev. John Myles, who had been a pastor in Wales and had been driven from his parish by the new laws of the Englis king (Act of Uniformity issued by Charles II), was in Plymouth, but his preaching did not please the church members there and Myles and his few Baptist Dissenters were sent to Rehoboth. Complaints soon drove him from there, and he was advised by the court of Plymouth to go farther south beyond the borders of Rehoboth. The Court then decided to grant to him and those of like mind the new tract recently purchased from the Indians. On Feb. 22, 1669 fifty-five men signed the articles of agreement which made this section into the new town of Swansea. Two of the signers were Zachariah Eddy and his brother Caleb. Thus Zachariah and Caleb became two of the first purchasers of Swansea and at the same time became members of the First Baptist Church in Swansea. Zachariah took an active part in the Church life. In the old Church Book, now in the vaults of the B. M. C. Durfee Trust Co. of Fall River, there is a copy of a letter sent to a church in Boston, asking that the brethren in Boston help the Swansea Church in the selection of a pastor. Both Zachariah and Caleb Eddy signed this letter. In these earliest times Swansea comprised the land which lay between the two upper forks of Narragansett Bay, south of Rehoboth and Taunton, and extended from the Taunton River to the Providence River. There are five main necks or peninsulas extending southward. The most eastern one (now Somerset) is between the Taunton River and Lees River (formerly called the Mattapoisett River). This neck was called Shawomett Neck. The next peninsula lies between Lees River and Coles River. This was called Mattapoisett Neck (now called Gardner's Neck and South Swansea). The third peninsula is divided into two sections by the Kickimuit River. It lies between Coles River and the Warren River. The whole section was called Kickimuit, while the eastern section was often called Towesett (alias sheep pasture) and the western section was called Mount Hope Neck. The latter extended far to the south and was the great stronghold of King Philip. Between the Warren and the Barrington Rivers was New Meadow Neck (now called Hampden Meadows). The most western neck, between the Barrington River and the Providence River, was called Wannamoisett Neck. The Shawomett lands comprised not only the Shawomett Neck but probably extended as far north as the present Dighton line. These words of explanation will give a clearer idea of the extent and location of the purchaes of Zachariah Eddy and his sons. Soon after the incorporation of Swansea, Zachariah Eddy was made Freeman of Swansea on May 29, 1670. The following year on May 11th, he was chosen waywarden and on June 5th, he was elected surveyor of highways. In 1675 when King Philip's War broke out it is likely that Zachariah and his family took refuge in Plymouth for a few years. While there on June 5, 1677 he was summoned by the court of Plymouth to serve on the Grand Inquest. Some time in June of this same year, 1677, those who had formerly lived in Middleboro previous to the outbreak of the war, together with some who owned property within the borders of Middleboro, sixty-eight persons in all, met and agreed to resettle the town. The list of the names of "The Proprietors of the liberties of the township of Middleberry taken at Plimouth" contains the item, - "Sachariah Edey, Samuell Edey, 1 propriation." When Samuel Eddy became a proprietor of the town of Middleboro, he thereby obtained the privilege of being a participant in all future divisions of the undivided lands belonging to the township. This right was passed on to the sons when they received from im the lands at Namassakett. When the land was sold by them the proprietor's rights went with the land. On July 23, 1673 Zachariah Eddy's name appears as the recipient of a lot in the South Purchase, which included the present towns of Rochester, Wareham, Carver, and a part of Middleboro. Later, on May 17, 1698, when the tract of land was divided, Zachariah received lots 128 and 129. On May 14, 1675, Zachariah was one of those who received a lot in the tract known as the "16 Shilling Purchase." He received lot No. 51. After King Philip's War, when all danger from hostile Indians was over, probably about the spring of 1678, Zacharia and his family returned to Swansea. He was established there on Oct. 21, 1679, when he purchased a piece of land from Thomas Barnes, and by this purchase obtained rights as a "second ranch man"; that is in any division of lands he would receive twice as much as a man of the "third ranch" (or third rank as it is more often written). The third rank man received one unit of a division, a second rank man, two units, a first rank man, three units. (Bristol Co. Deeds, 1. 14.) Zachariah Edey of Swansea bought of Thomas Barnes of Newport . . . My houselott, being 12 acres and 2 acres which I had of Jonathan Bosworth joining with it . . . by ye 33rd page of ye book Land records . . . and all my rt in Common and divisions of land whatsoever may appertain to me as I was a second ranck man in Town of Swansea. In 1681 both Zachariah and his brother Caleb were members of a jury called to view the body of William Makepeace who had been drowned. On June 7, 1681, Zachariah was propounded as Freeman by the court in Plymouth. (Court Orders, [written] Plymouth, 6. 1. 47.) There is no record of his having been admitted, but it would seem that he must have been admitted, for he was called upon to perform the duties of a Freeman. He was made constable. This (Plymouth) court imposes and authorizes Zachariah Eddy to be constable of the ward of Showamett and to act within that ward as in every respect as an other constable might do and proper unto the proprietors of Showamett, respecting them at that place. July, 1683. (Court Orders Plymouth VI, p. 115.) Zacharia's name appears on the records in connection with several items of minor interest. On Sept. 26, 1697, together with Hezekiah Luther he was appointed to take the inventory of Widow Bartram's estate (N.E.H.G.R., Vol. LXIII). On Apr. 5, 1710, Zachariah Eddy testified at Bristol that he was "then about 70 years of age and that a certain lot of land was laid out by Samuel Luther, Thomas Esterbrooks, and Hugh Cole, about 26 years ago in the right of John Allen." Most of the first purchases of Zachariah Eddy in Swansey were in the Shawomet Neck probably on its western side, and bordering on the Mattapoisett River, probably along the present highway leading out of Swansea Village toward Fall River. Zachariah Eddy of Swansey bought on Nov. 1, 1683 of David Wood of Middlebury, house carpenter | Eddy, Zachariah (I26600)
1370 | Zacharih EDDY Self M Male W 79 RI Boat Build Lucie EDDY Wife M Female W 67 CT CT CT Ela PHAR Niece S Female W 24 IN CT CT Selina SELIVAT Other S Female W 30 CT Servant NY NY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH Family History Library Film 1255006 NA Film Number T9-1006 Page Number 205B | Eddy, Zachariah (I81822)
1371 | Zachary Eddy EDDY, Zachary, clergyman, born in Stockbridge, Vermont, 19 December 1815. He was educated by private tutors, ordained as a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 1835, and was for several years a home missionary in western New York and Wisconsin. He was pastor of Congregational Churches in Warsaw, New York, in 1850'5, and Northampton, MA, in 1857'67, of the Brooklyn Heights Dutch Reformed Church in 1867'71, and afterward of Congregational Churches in Chelsea, MA, Detroit, Michigan, and Augusta, Georgia, where he is at present (1887). Williams gave him the degree of D. D. in 1860. Dr. Eddy has published " Immanuel, or the Life of Jesus Christ" (Springfield, MA, 1868); and was the principal compiler of "Hymns of the Church" (1869), and joint editor of "Carmina Sanctorum" (New York, 1884). Edited Appletons Encyclopedia, Copyright | Eddy, Zachariah (I18439)
1372 | Zephaniah EDDY Self M Male W 46 NY Farmer VT RI Susan EDDY Wife M Female W 38 NY Keeping Hou Eva EDDY Dau S Female W 20 MI NY NY Cassius EDDY Son S Male W 19 MI NY NY Eudora EDDY Dau S Female W 16 MI NY NY Sarah EDDY Dau S Female W 8 MI NY NY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Census Place Berlin, Ionia, Michigan Family History Library Film 1254584 NA Film Number T9-0584 Page Number 250B | Eddy, Zephaniah (I14017)
1373 | [1599.] ULYSSES MOWRY6, Welcome Mowry and Joanna Ballou5, David4, Samuel3, James2, Maturin1; b. in North Smithfield, R. I., Feb. 2, 1811; m. 1st Roba T. Eddy, dr. of Thomas Eddy of Glocesster, R. I.; cer. May 5, 1835, by Rev. Reuben Allen. Issue.-- 4507--1. Evans E. Mowry, no birth-date; m. Esther Shaply. 4508--2. Gilbert Mowry, " " d. in infancy. 4509--3. Eliza Jane Mowry, no birth-date; m. Andre Deveraux. | Eddy, Roby E. (I11695)
1374 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, M.L. (I16198)
1375 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, C. (I16187)
1376 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, J. (I83336)
1377 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, R.E. (I83394)
1378 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, K.L. (I16190)
1379 | [Chris 01 16 04.ged] !SOURCE: Family history and other records in possession of Richard L. Halliday !Certificate of Membership. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This certifies that Mildred Fern Vest daughter of Edward D. Vest and Mary Jane Morley Vest born April 11, 1908 at Hyrum, Cache Co., UT (was) Blessed May 3rd 1908 by James J. Facer is a member of the Hyrum 3rd Ward, in the Hyrum Stake, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and as such we recommend her to the Ora Ward, Fremont Stake. James J. Facer BISHOP, Albert J. Williams CLERK, Aug 9th, 1909." Aunt Mildred Family Genealogist Richard L. Halliday March 1988 During my childhood years mother was the only one I know who took and interest in genealogy. She did the work the best she could by correspondence. There was no way she could get to the genealogical library in Salt Lake City and at that time the branch library system did not exist. She kept all of her records and notes in a large box that fitted the long sheets. I copied all of the records that she had when I was in my teens. I have always loved the stories that she and grandmother vest told about our ancestors, perhaps that sparked my interest. While I was at Brigham Young University I began to make regular trips to the genealogical library in Salt lake City. My interest was noted and I was called to the Genealogical Committee and then as a councillor in the presidency. I had little success in research, but was thrilled to receive a copy of the death certificate of Joshua Oldfield of York, Yorkshire, England. Mother became ill (terminally) and went back to UT to spend her last years living with my Grandmother Vest. While there she taught the children, something she was very good at, and continued to do as much research as she could. Finally, she became too ill to continue. In March 1988 Aunt Mildred Vest (Eddy) told me how the records were passed on. One day she told Aunt Mildred "You have to take this genealogy. We need to go to Salt Lake. You are young enough and have enough money to do this. I had a dream. You're going to do the genealogy." "We were all at Mother's (Mary's) at Christmas. Mother went to the tree and got a package. It was the same shape as the box I kept the genealogy records in. She went right by Ada & me and gave it to you. You're going to do the genealogy". At that time Aunt Mildred was active in Church. She was teaching the girls in Mutual, but had no interest in doing genealogical research. A short while later she had a dream that impressed her greatly. In her words... "About 3 a.m. I had a dream. Many people were around. They had babies at their knees. They were wearing old fashioned clothes that fitted them very loosely. I had never seen the place before, but believed it was Wales. The grass was high. It reached half way to their knees. their faces showed the effects of a hard life and work. Their shoes had wooden soles. Their clothes were poor; old fashioned and hanging loose. I said to myself 'They are Welch people'." "About eight of them came down the hill toward me. When they were about six feet away they all raised their right arms and looked to my right. I followed their gaze and saw a building on the mountain. It was a temple made in Heaven. It had a rounded top and was a most beautiful white. At first I thought that they were going to throw rocks at me, but later recognized that they had 'raised their arms to the square' (as would be done in the prayer circle in the Holy Temple of the Lord. David G. Jenson). "Everyone passed me as I stood there and I knew 'that means genealogy' (or temple work). I got up then (3 a.m.), bathed & dressed and went to see mother. Mother said 'what's got to you'. I've come to get everything you've got." After only a brief look at her Book of Remembrance I could see that it is a very well researched and documented volume. I have also seen individual and marriage forms she has submitted. All show the same careful attention and appear to be well documented. It is now easy to understand why she was chosen to do this work. She told me one experience she had while doing research. "Grandma said she left Daniel in Wales." That was not much to go on, but she searched records likely to contain the required information. One day she fell asleep at the microfilm reader. As she drooped foreword her hand turned the crank moving the film about three frames. When she awoke a tiny voice told her she had turned three frames past. She turned back and found Daniel, his mother and her maiden name. (Compiled by Richard L. Halliday in March 1988 and input into the computer by Mildred's Grandson David G. Jenson.) July 23, 1994 Today grandmother told me this story, she said: Many years ago I was going to leave Chris, your grandfather. I had got all the legal work done and was going in for a divorce. Chris begged me not to leave him, but I told him (she just couldn't stay with a person who wasn't a mormon and keeping the standards) She said, "she couldn't stand him drinking" most of all. With tears in his eyes, Chris begged and said, "But Mildred have you prayed about it?" Grandma went into a quiet room and prayed, She said that a voice said, "Mildred, don't leave that man!" She said she would never forget it. Then she looked me square in the eye and said, "David, when the spirit speaks to you, you always have to follow it with faith." She said, "You know you have to do this because our Heavenly Father knows far more that we do and he also knows the future. You just have to walk on faith. After I heard that voice I walked in and told Christ that I wasn't going to leave him and furthermore that I was never going to leave him. I trusted in the Lord and by and by your grandfather joined the Church and took me through the temple." She said, "Remember, Remember to always do what the still small voice tells you and trust in what the Lord tells you and will be the most happy." I could sense that she was happy that she trusted in the Lord and believed in what he told her and she was truly happy that grandfather had joined the Church and took her and her family to be sealed for time and all eternity in the house of the Lord. And that the Lord truly knew what was best for her and what would make her the most happy. I then remembered the words of President Benson, he said, "The Constant and most recurring question in our minds, touching every thought and deed of our lives, should be, 'Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? (Acts 9:6).'" (Jesus Christ-Gifts, The Ensign, December 1988, p. 4.) He also said, "'What would Jesus Do?' or 'What would He have me do?' are paramount personal questions of this life. (Think on Christ, The Ensign, March 89, p. 4.) And then President Benson states that "The great task of life is to learn the will of the Lord and then do it. (The Great Commandment--Love the Lord, The Ensign, May 1988, p. 4.) If we will continually ask ourselves these questions and do them we will find ourselves as my grandmother exemplified "In a very happy state." I believe the Savior himself taught it this way: Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but, HE THAT DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I say, Ye never knew me; depart from me ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. (The rock of revelation. "Lord what is thy will and help me to do it." When grandmother heard the voice of the Lord, while the rain and floods were beating upon her, she trusted in him and her house never fell but ended up being founded and sealed in the House of God.) And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. I am glad that my grandmother sought "the will of the Lord" followed his council and blessed our lives to the latest generation. I recommend the posterity of Mildred (Vest) Eddy and Chris Eddy, to the latest generation, to follow her council of your Grandmother Eddy and you will never go wrong, but the Lord will lead they by the hand with you families into his kingdom. Where you will be like my grandmother Eddy--In a state of never ending joy and Eternal Life and Happiness. Amen. (David G. Jenson). July 24, 1994 Mother, Ann Mildred Eddy Jenson, after reading the above account said, "David, I was an eye whiteness to this account. My father was down on his knees with his arms wrapped around my mothers legs begging and crying. He looked up to her and said, "But Mildred have you prayed about it!" Mother said, "Mother found a quiet place and prayed, and as she walked she heard the voice, 'Mildred don't leave that man!'. Mother said one thing grandma Mildred had been taught was that when you hear the voice of the Lord you always obey it--because God knows more than us and knows the future far better than we do, and he knows what will make us ultimately the happiest. Mother said, David what you don't know is that the next day the lawyer called and said to your grandmother. Mildred, get in here for your divorce. She said your grandmother told him that she wasn't going to leave him. The lawyer said but what am I to do with these papers and you have spent all this money. Grandma said I don't care--burn them if you have to, but I am not leaving that man. My mother Ann Mildred Eddy, said I was an eye witness to all of this and am glad she listened to the voice and that our people taught her to listen to the voice of the Lord. I, David, am reminded that my grandmother and grandfather are like the scripture in D&C 132:37 where it says, Abraham... Isaac also and Jacob (and Mildred & all their posterity who done according to the promises) did none other things than that which they were commanded; and because they did none other things than that which they were commanded, they have entered into their exaltation, according to the promises, and sit upon thrones, and are not angles but are gods. This is my testimony and my whiteness in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen (David G. Jenson). --------------- "What The Pioneers Expect Us to Do" by Mildred F. Vest (Eddy) What can we do for you we say? Now that your trials and tears are washed away. We sing your praise, of work well done. How many feet bleed as you struggled, and Trudged toward the Westwords Setting sun. You starved, some even froze to death. No time to lay them down to a descent rest. A shallow grave, covered with rocks, if any. Mothers grieving, children crying, father Falling faint, struggling, then dying. What can we do for them; We Say? In their beautiful valleys, so peaceful yet gay, Where all the world comes and marvels today. These Pioneers, came for one reason and one alone. To flee to Zion and make it their mountain home. There they could rest, Yet work all day. They'd worship God in His own religious way. Here they could build His House. A Place for Him to rest, and give Instruction To all, who loved and served Him best. Now will we follow His Celestial plan, The one instituted in heaven before this earth began. Will we work at our labors, as did they. Will we learn, search, and pray; to overcome All obstacles, as Satan puts them in our way To find our ancestors of Yesterday, and give them all the blessings we enjoy today. Fill Earthly Temples to bursting they say. Then we'll sing your praises in Heaven As you sing ours on Earth So all can return spotless to Our Savior, as they were at Birth. The End Thursday A.M. 30 Nov 1967 Mildred F. Coates Vest (Eddy) (Typed by David G. Jenson). | Vest, Mildred Fern (I07056)
1380 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Jenson, J.C. (I70298)
1381 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Jenson, D.G. (I16211)
1382 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Jenson, L.A. (I16210)
1383 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, B.K. (I16201)
1384 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Baker, B.C. (I83356)
1385 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | EDDY, L.S. (I83352)
1386 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Proctor, L.L. (I83350)
1387 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Jenson, C. (I16213)
1388 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Jenson, J.C. (I16214)
1389 | [Chris 01 16 04.ged] BIRTH: Christiaan Albert EDDY or Chris Elwood EDDY Birth Certificate found at Ogden, Weber, UT. It was turned in late by the Dr. It lists him as being born 2 Feb. 1904. He was born 16 January 1904. BLESSING: Blessing Certificate found at GS Ser #6429 F UT 02 pt. 16. 11 Book early to 1909 of Ogden 1st Ward. Name Christiaan Albert EDDY. Ordinances: Christiaan Albert EDDY & Mildred Fern VEST were sealed in the Ogden Temple on 30 April 1974. Their children that were Sealed to them on that day were, Max Sherman, Gary Clifford, Ann Mildred & Chris Thomas. Elwood Vest was to ill to come to the Temple that day. He was sealed 5 July 1974 in the Ogden Temple. The other children Jack Wray & Mark Stephen yet to be done as of 9 December 1990. Occupation: Machanic and Farmer Address: 2563 West 4000 South Roy, UT 84067 --------------- A letter written by Grandpa's sister Neta to her oldest sister Georgia about his baptism. They had already joined the Church. April 30, 1973 Dearest Sissy, (They called Georgia Sissy because she was the oldest.) I have some news to tell you that I'm sure will make you very happy. Maybe Chris has already called and told you about it. I know that he tried to call you and was unable to get the call through. Anyway, Chris was baptized Saturday night, April 28, 1973, by Elwood in Max's Stake House. Max confirmed him and ordained him a priest. It was really quite an event and I'm sure you will want to know all about it. (I, David G. Jenson, his grandson got to stand in the circle when granddad was made a priest--I being a priest in the Aaronic priesthood. It was quite a joyful experience for me. My grandfather pulled me aside about a week earlier and told me the good news because he knew it would make me happy.) He told me about a year ago when we were discussing religion that he was thinking about it a little bit, but he said to keep it on the QT [confidential]. He said his family had been working on him and that he probably would some time, but not to say a word to anyone about it. I told him that this would have a great influence on all these little kids that are growing up and that it would continue to have a great influence on his posterity forever; and that it would make all of us so happy. He wanted to know if they would baptize him alone without all the other little kids being there. I told him that I was sure that a special baptism for him only could be set up and I would check on it. I did check on it for him and found out that it could be done. I told him at that time to be sure and let me know when it would be done because I wanted to be there. Of course ever since I have been wondering and hoping that he would decide and that he would call and tell me that it was going to be done, but he never said one word about it. So about three weeks ago, I was talking to him about getting your property annexed to the city, and I said, "You know, a long time ago you said something might happen one of these days, but it never does happen." He said, "Yeah, Yeah, I know." So I didn't say any more. Then on Friday he called me at work and he said, "You know that thing that I told you might happen? Well, it's going to happen tomorrow night." Well, I nearly fell off my chair. But he said, don't say anything to anyone because I don't want a big thing made out of it. Of course, I was so thrilled that I just was ready to pop. Later in the evening he called me and told me I could call Vi. When we got to the Chapel, there was just a small room and a few chairs. Then Ann came in with some of her kids and some other of the Vests and the fellow conducting told us to sit on the one side. Well, Ann said, "He has 35 grandchildren and most of them will be here". Then, the man told us to go into the Relief Society Room. Before long the Relief Society Room was filled up and they even had to bring chairs in. The man who was conducting said that with a group like that we should have a song, and so I lead the song, "When There's Love at Home" -- which is the one Mid said he liked the best because Mama used to sing it. Ann's daughter (Lorie) played the piano. They had a nice talk and then we went in to the small room where he was baptized. Oh, I forgot to tell you when he walked into the room he looked so nice with his white clothes and that pretty white hair. Then he said, "Oh, is this all that are coming? We should have gone down to the Weber River." he said. I think there were about 70 people there. All his kids except Mark and Jack; several of the Vests, Vi, Betty and Harry, Paul, and I, and Cheri, his bishop, Max Eddy's in-laws, and several of the Vest family. I really hadn't told anyone except Vi, because I knew that he kind of wanted it quiet. Then after the baptism, they had a testimony meeting which was really nice. All his kids got up, me, Paul, and Vi, some of his grandkids -- and those grandkids were precious (I, David was one of them). At the end, Mildred got up and told how sorry she was for holding a grudge against Mama because Mama hadn't had Chris baptized when he was a little boy. She told what a wonderful woman Mama was and what a love she had developed through the years for Chris's Family and how she had learned to appreciate their even temperament and how much she loved Chris and appreciated what he had done. Anyway, it turned out very nice and we are so happy about it. Chris seemed so pleased and they really told how good he is in the testimonies, and what a wonderful following he will have always as was evidenced by the crowd that had come. Nobody except two or three even knew about it until the day before. I hope you can make this out as I have been rushing to get this done on my break time, and before work in the morning. I called again about the annexing and they said they are working on it and will present it to the Counsel in a week; Then if they approve it, it would be put in the following week. The first meeting could be tonight and then the next one the 8th or the 15th. So hopefully, it won't be much longer. We'll keep checking. Love you so much, Neta -------------------- A few years after grandpa died his youngest brother Joseph (Dud) said that if the Church was good enough for Chris it was good enough for him and he too was baptized. | Eddy, Christiaan Albert (I83300)
1390 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Jenson, J.D. (I83348)
1391 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Peters, L.A. (I70287)
1392 | [Chris 01 16 04.ged] DEATH: Chris was killed by a car when he was a toddler. He was crossing the street when a car came over the hill and run over him. This was a very hard experience on the family. Chris' shoes were bronzed as was the custom of the day and reside at his sister Ann's home in Arbon, Idaho to this day. | Eddy, Chris Thomas (I16185)
1393 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, G.C. (I16182)
1394 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, M.S. (I16181)
1395 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Jenson, J. (I16212)
1396 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, N. (I83321)
1397 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, D.T. (I16189)
1398 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, B.M. (I16188)
1399 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, M.S. (I16186)
1400 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Eddy, J.W. (I16179)
We strive to document all of our sources in this family tree. If you have something to add, please let us know.